Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The system was being increasingly undermined , however , both by the growing numbers of those holding Matai titles and by a reduction in the traditional structures through which the chiefs had exercised authority .
2 This data is incorporated in publicizing of the unit and its work ; in articles , meetings with other professional groups and in a display on the wall of the head 's office-cum staffroom where it is often referred to in the course of interviews with parents and pupils .
3 The Society also communicated with solicitors directly at regional level and on a variety of courses and conferences .
4 When you look at any remedial teacher , whatever their inclinations might be , when you actually observe work it 's quite clear they 're , they 're always working on both an emotional level and on a learning level .
5 Two other decrees on March 1 provided the legal framework for the creation of regional authorities and for a " basic law of government " .
6 Lee 's offer followed a statement to Taiwan 's National Assembly on May 15 in which he had suggested that there should be dialogue within a " one-China framework and on a government-to-government basis with the two sides having equal status " .
7 He assumed the leadership of the Flemish-speaking urban proletariat of Ghent , Bruges and Ypres who were sympathetic to the English interest both from economic necessity and as an expression of their hostility to the French-speaking nobility of Flanders .
8 If you have planned and carried out your strategy of study over the earlier laps , like the 5000-metre runner , you should be on the inside lane and in a good position at the bell for the last lap .
9 United States President George Bush announced on March 14 that , following the electoral defeat of President Daniel Ortega Saavedra , the US government was lifting its five-year economic embargo on Nicaragua , and that it had requested Congress to grant approval by April 5 of $300 million in immediate economic aid and of a further $200 million the following year .
10 She signed up for two employment agencies : Solve Your Problems and Knightsbridge Nannies , and worked as a waitress at private parties and as a charlady .
11 Napoleon III was well aware of the danger posed by prolonged disputes about the Spanish succession and in an attempt to bring the problem to a quick end , he proposed as a ‘ neutral ’ candidate the Portuguese Prince , Fernando , husband and former King-Consort of Queen Maria .
12 John McIlwraith , Balig , Ayr , chairman of the BSS UK , says the Beltex is the terminal sire that can deliver the right type of lamb at the right weight and with a conformation that is accepted in Europe as second to none .
13 Finally , on April 10 it was given out that the government had agreed to the opposition 's main demands for the rapid legalization of political parties and for an amnesty for political activists .
14 The President of the National Assembly and former Prime Minister , Laurent Fabius , has spoken of ‘ the general crisis of politics … the malaise of a society which has lost all its landmarks translates itself into a suspicion of political parties and into a rise of anti-parliamentarianism ’ .
15 Tallis stared down at the shard of the ruined statue and with a thrill of pleasure realized that she did : an image of the female in the land .
16 Modern China retained these problems which stemmed from its massive cultural heritage and as a consequence could not move forward .
17 Later in the season , plants offer animals food of a different kind and for a different reason .
18 A rough-looking youth with long black unkempt hair and with a muffler about his neck suddenly sprang out from a disused barn standing close beside the lane .
19 Amid protest marches and demonstrations , over a period of weeks some two dozen lorries carrying live animal imports were held up on French roads and in a few cases the animals were slaughtered or burned alive .
20 Nevertheless , at France 's repeated entreaty and in a spirit of generous cooperation , two Russian armies now advanced into East Prussia in order to honour that commitment .
21 They should be planted in fibrous loam and in a basket so that the depth may be increased as the plant develops .
22 They may play in a different key and with a somewhat different emphasis but the tune can often be heard all the same .
23 For this purpose , we need to show that the roles serve as a focus for patterns of social relationships and for a framework enabling social development .
24 Under its 1958 Constitution ( revised in 1960 , 1962 , 1963 , 1974 and 1976 ) executive power in the Fifth French Republic is vested in a President , who is directly elected for a seven-year term by universal suffrage and by an absolute majority of votes cast .
25 It is a way of thinking that is predominant in social research and to a considerable extent in social theory , too .
26 An investigation by Allan ( 1979 ) , for instance , found that not only did the middle class have more friends , but they were also drawn from a greater variety of social settings and over a wider geographical area .
27 Thus in Kashmir , there is a thick limestone of this age , very like its British counterpart and with a similar faunal list .
28 ‘ I sold my house for £78,000 but then the building society wanted a mundic test and as a result I had to knock £11,000 off .
29 Marx was thus concerned with bureaucracy both as a social formation and as a source of inefficient public service .
30 In non-religious circles , however , it is also widely practised and families who often observe little else of the religion frequently have their male children circumcised , again as part of a cultural inheritance and as a means ( usually undefined and inarticulated ) of self- and collective identification .
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