Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 But himself said this would happen , because I was always washin' her bloody hair and keepin' her face scab-free , unlicing her an' the rest , instead of gettin' meself out to work .
2 Hyacinth , now well advanced in hysteria , lay in state on the old striped pallet on which she slept , moaning through clenched teeth and clutching her belly .
3 Similarly , Alison Hennegan has described how as a teenager she hunted out lesbian fiction and based her decisions to investigate one text rather than another on clues as vague and ‘ irrational ’ as a publisher 's logo or a particular chapter title .
4 ‘ Yes , look at me , ’ she said ruefully pushing back her tangled hair and straightening her skirts .
5 Robyn tottered on her high heels and did her best to stand up straight without swaying .
6 Nicola tottered round the table on her high heels and slid her buttocks on to the table .
7 Surkov and I sprawled on the twin beds ; Rozanov sat on the floor , his back against the drawn curtains ; Masha , in a comfortable chair , kicked off her high heels and drew her legs under her flower-patterned skirt .
8 She pinched her cheeks quickly to add a little colour , and straightened the skirt of her plum-coloured sweater-dress before squaring her slim shoulders and resuming her descent .
9 ‘ My God , what 's happened to your arms ? ’ he rasped , turning her expertly with a spin of her slim shoulders and lifting her right hand to expose the pale , tender skin of her forearm .
10 Husband Charles , 43 , was upset when Di picked a foreign car and made her pay for it herself .
11 Wilkie 's girl , as Frederica always thought of her — had he not said , in Scarborough , " I 've got a girl , you know … " — smoothed blown skirts over thin brown legs and tossed her urchin head free of its case .
12 Daisy suddenly wanted to check her face , and when he went off at the end of the chukka to talk to the next group playing , which included Perdita , she toned down her rosy cheeks and drenched her neck with Je Reviens , but failed to put the top back on properly , so it stank out the Land-Rover .
13 Campbeltown struck her German colours and hoisted her battle ensign : she had about a mile to go .
14 I 'd wiped her snotty nose and covered her lewd , spreadeagled indecency .
15 When she finally looked into clear water and saw her face , she wept bitterly as she greeted the old woman who stared back at her .
16 In court his wife Christine admitted a lesbian relationship and said her husband had once caught her with another woman .
17 She lay placidly on her stomach as Kattina straddled her buttocks , stroking her spine and shoulder blades with her long fingers while sometimes throwing herself forward to lie across Jacqui 's slim back and nuzzle her neck or her ears .
18 A stout dinghy capped the lot then , with farewell shouts fading astern , Viking threaded her way carefully through the broken water and turned her bow northward once more .
19 They could get money by robbing a fruit machine , but it is easier to beat up an old woman and grab her purse .
20 In the evenings when Constance was in bed she sat in her husband 's favourite chair and contemplated her lot .
21 ‘ The groovesome dudes , ’ she said thickly , staring at him through her lashes , then drew an unsteady breath and turned her back on him .
22 After unlocking the cart from the gatepost , they were off , the child now walking between Aggie 's outstretched arms and adding her small strength to the pushing .
23 As Elisabeth , Rosalind Plowright sounded more secure than she has been for some time on British stages and sang her last aria with true Verdian pathos and passion .
24 Words can not express the sadness of seeing a teenager who looks barely older than a young child suffering from severe malnutrition , but there are the wonderful moments such as a child who suffered tremendous burns after a candle fell and set fire to her night-dress ; after months of careful dressing and cleaning her wounds have virtually healed — without the clinic the little girl would almost certainly have died .
25 Carolyn let herself out of the french windows and made her way along the trodden track to her garden , now a dug rectangle of some eight by twelve yards , backing on to the wall of Keswick 's warehouse .
26 Rosheen pushed away her empty plate and wiped her fingers absently on a sheet of tissue .
27 Evelyn peered through the newly installed spyhole after turning on the porch light , unfastened the two fresh locks and gave her visitor a radiant smile .
28 She had to pay for the lavish colour brochure ( the details of which contained many mistakes ) , she provided the historical background and ran her feet off showing people over : all they did was make appointments ( underpaid girls did that ) and yet she had to pay them thousands .
29 She wrote Davies a string of X-rated letters — describing her sexual fantasies and vowing her undying love .
30 She is no longer regarded as an alien , and the birth of her first child brings her full social status and consolidates her position in her husband 's family .
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