Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] would [be] " in BNC.

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1 There is a general assumption that degreasers are less aggressive products , based either on a glycol ether or sodium metasilicate , but some manufacturers apply the description to highly caustic products that would be more appropriately defined as caustic cleaners or decarbonisers .
2 It is hard to imagine Greeks letting basic decisions about their future be taken by a European parliament that would be about 97% non-Greek .
3 However , this mill differs from the simple prototype in having a brickbuilt outshot against its south-east elevation which was constructed to house an auxiliary steam-engine that would be brought into use during periods of drought .
4 But if you are tactful in your approach in this touchy area , you may be able , slowly and Patiently , to build up for her a picture of a sample programme of meals for a seven-day period that would be low in cost and effort but reasonably tasty and nutritionally adequate .
5 A right old balls-up that would be . ’
6 Maybe the " honest " working man would entrench himself in his own institutions and , in isolation , be a danger to the unity and strength of the whole nation ; and maybe prolonged intransigence , accompanied by inevitable police control , would break down the divide between the labouring classes and the " dangerous classes " so causing the popular forces to unite and assume a truly menacing character that would be beyond concessionary control .
7 But this was different — a public event that would be attended by all the island big-wigs .
8 The DUP and Vanguard had intended to boycott the local elections , saving their effort for the more important Assembly elections , but activists in both parties thought that the earlier contest should be fought , if only to make use of the free publicity that would be created and to have the advantages of a trial run and an early opportunity to canvass for the more important second elections .
9 Well there could be a whole range of different therapies that would be appropriate , depending on on the individual needs of the persons involved , erm but certainly in in a therapeutic situation erm one is able to establish a relationship with another caring adult that can readdress those erm perhaps foundations in the personality that were not able to develop appropriately in their early childhood .
10 When dreams are recalled during the day , it would therefore be the most salient points that would be recalled , and the colour detail , which would have been available if the dreamer had been questioned about it on awakening , will have been forgotten .
11 In the event that no single party enjoys an overall majority in the Commons then the issue of sending for the Prime Minister and refusing a dissolution become matters so charged with political manoeuvring that the Crown would be drawn into politics in a public way that would be bound to invite a keener scrutiny as to what should be her proper role within the British constitution .
12 And that obviously creates the uplift in land values which finances the social structure that would be set in terms of the operational criteria for the new settlement .
13 But if they were sold through a charity shop in the High Street that would be seen as a business . ’
14 So , established perspectives were tattered and there was " room " for a new theory of British politics that would be at one with the facts and celebrate the achievements of the post-war consensus .
15 High spirits that would be of use on board a man-of-war or on the march find vent in ‘ bashing ’ ’ the casual pedestrian or demolishing coffee stalls . ’
16 Under normal circumstances that would be a thoroughly anti-democratic development , to be roundly condemned .
17 When the decisions of all market participants dovetail completely , so that each plan correctly assumes the corresponding plans of the other participants and no possibility exists for any altered plans that would be simultaneously preferred by the relevant participants , there is nothing left for the entrepreneur to do .
18 The seller might wish to cancel the contract if it proves too difficult or costly to perform , but this is not a feature of the straightforward contracts that would be covered by the use of Precedent 1 .
19 The owners of Flokati were showing Mavis and Walter Bricknell-type behaviour , fluttering about in a nervous anxiety that would be bound to affect the horse if it went on too long .
20 The argument rests on the assumption that the number of volatile-rich bodies that would be captured by a planet after it has accreted is roughly in proportion to the mass of the planet .
21 Even if you fence it in you still have the additional traffic that would be regenerated in picking the children up and dropping them off .
22 I can also tell the hon. Gentleman how many days would be lost as a result of the extra unemployment that would be caused by his party 's policies .
23 The computer in the head could n't cope with the extra distortions that would be introduced if the fish 's body were bending and twisting like an ordinary fish .
24 They were of course more than welcome , and their contribution to the establishment of good standards was of very great value , but we knew that they represented a limited resource that would be quickly exhausted .
25 This precludes the need for the extensive , long range , diffusion of the chain through a highly viscous medium that would be necessary if a regular chain folded structure was to be constructed .
26 First one , er relates to the point made by the Barton Willmore representative , that no account has been taken of additional land that would be needed er for the settlement , for shops , er community facilities , and other infrastructure , er and of course that land is not available , well in fact the opposite is the case if the new settlement is not provided , because the infrastructure is available within York city , and the York city document er A eight double O nine , paragraph six , makes it very clear that the city is capable of accommodating the needs within its city boundaries where that fr infrastructure is available , er to that extent there is a further argument against the settlement , and that is that the settlement would be duplicating the provision of resources outside of the city , where those resources can actually accommodate it within the city .
27 They live in an elective dictatorship in which the government of the day has a degree of absolute power that would be envied by rulers who are , on the surface , far more totalitarian .
28 But methods of developing non-turf pitches that would be universally more acceptable were required , the basic premise being that the best surface on which to play the great game was , and always will be , well-maintained and -prepared natural turf .
29 It enables adaptation of plants and animals to human purposes that would be beyond the reach of traditional breeding techniques ; an example is the insertion of toxin genes from bacteria into plants to give them an in-built system for poisoning pests .
30 And I knew for a little while that would be true .
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