Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] have take " in BNC.

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1 This restriction on the scope of industrial goods markets has become more significant given the degree of industrial and commercial concentration that has taken place since , say , 1945 .
2 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
3 But Villa had not forgotten the enterprising football that has taken them second in the Premier League , and in an eight-minute spell before the interval , they twice worried Ipswich keeper Clive Baker .
4 Alfred 's thoughts were fixed in fact on Beatrice Throgmorton , and the unpleasant scene that had taken place three weeks ago .
5 Before we go on to consider these studies of local politics , think about other major economic and social changes that have taken place within Britain since the mid-1970s — such as deindustrialization , or the large increase in home ownership .
6 ‘ If I 'm given a challenge I have to have a go at it , ’ he admits , reflecting on the guiding principles that have taken him to the top of two major industries .
7 The others held a mixed collection of the minor paperwork of life , some library tickets , the catalogue of a sale of marine painting that had taken place a year ago , the election address of his son-in-law , Vivian Carolan , at the last election , and a few letters , none very recent .
8 We tolerated his hilarious English mispronunciations of the Scottish hills that had taken him less than three hours , keeping in mind the thought of that comfortable car seat at the bottom of this rough heather slope every time we felt like killing him .
9 They told us of exciting events that had taken place in the valley below their house the previous year , the result of an attempted coup by Ras Hailu , the hereditary ruler of Gojjam .
10 Their bodies have become greatly flattened , their pectoral fins enlarged into undulating lateral triangles that have taken over the function of locomotion .
11 The change appears to be a genuine evolutionary development that has taken place with unusual rapidity .
12 These will enable you to see the real changes that have taken place .
13 On the other hand , in many other spheres , the most amazing developments that have taken place in just a few decades are taken completely for granted and even more is expected .
14 She remembered the great white whale that had taken her leg , and the pistol ball that had claimed her eye , and a hundred other wounds and scars beside .
15 Then I asked , as we were going to go from century to century , if I could be allowed to collect a few bits of paraphernalia as we went along — odd little items that had taken my fancy which would then turn up in other stories .
16 This is the language of the press release , breathlessly informing us that a speculator whose environmental record is not exactly unblemished and whose monstrous Land 's End ‘ facilities ’ are a blight against all aesthetic considerations , really does care what happens to the dear little flowers that have taken eternity to develop , and the cuddly cliff faces which shake and quiver at the climber 's intrusive touch .
17 They asked for information in a general way about various obvious crimes that had taken place in south-east Antrim .
18 That was before his shattering injury that has taken 16 months off his career .
19 The spread of nationalism into rural areas also reflected the economic transformation that had taken place since 1967 .
20 Fernando had taken her to the Zarzuela , the Spanish operettas that had taken her breath away .
21 When parents exclude children from their own grief it can make the child feel that the awful event that has taken place is a punishment for which they are in part responsible .
22 Associated reasons for her death were the severe injuries to her nose and mouth , which was broken and swollen , the multiple attempts that had taken place to strangle her and the fact that she also had a large quantity of alcohol in her body about six times the legal level for drivers .
23 In the expansion of academic legal scholarship that has taken place in the past 20 years family law was one of the first of the traditional areas of study to be ‘ broadened ’ .
24 She needed several things she had not been able to bring away from the Holborn house ; chemises , petticoats , nightgowns , drawers , a frilled nightcap that had taken her fancy , stockings , handkerchiefs .
25 Rothstein argues that patron-client relationships are well suited to the peripheral capitalist development that has taken place in Latin America because they are a way of paring down the number of recipients of industrial gains , when these gains are few in number .
26 ‘ It had become necessary to dispel these doubts so that , with full trust restored , South Africa 's people could benefit from the technological development that has taken place as a result of this process . ’
27 During the six years since he joined the company , he has been involved in many of the major changes that have taken place .
28 Mr Mitterrand , who will visit the southern city of Leipzig today , said on television he was looking forward to his talks with East Germany 's new leaders after the extraordinary changes that had taken place in the country .
29 Because I think one of the extraordinary changes that have taken place in history at professional level is the much greater interest in things that older historian would have thought was outside their province .
30 Considering the major developments that have taken place during the past 12 months within Rolls Wood Group , the achievement in such a period of time reflects the workforce 's determination to establish Rolls Wood Group as a leader in this market .
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