Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 And the problem reaches even further into the local community when developers start to snap up adjacent buildings , with the direct result that local people can no longer afford to live there .
2 I can tell my hon. Friend that local people would not mind losing the south-facing slip roads .
3 We found all sorts of different ways that different people were achieving these experiences .
4 He feels real anger running in his veins — a generous fury that honourable people should be so traduced .
5 Initially , in the early 1960s , these were concerned to test the social-psychological assumption that young people 's entry into work could be explained by the idea of ‘ occupational choice ’ .
6 So they 're very ordinary signs that ordinary people can understand .
7 Mr Portillo claimed that people on low incomes were very low users of road fuel yet would be compensated through the RPI for the extra expense that other people would pay .
8 I do not draw the simple conclusion that young people have been badly treated — as they have — during the last 12 years .
9 Would the existence of the quota scheme undermine the moral argument that disabled people deserve equal treatment and opportunity as of right rather than by concession ?
10 Whereas the standards and styles set by the peer group can set highly influential markers around acceptable and unacceptable behaviours for young people it is in individual friendships that young people find support and security , negotiate their emotional independence , exchange information , put beliefs and feelings into words and develop a new and different perspective of themselves .
11 It is often said that alcohol is ‘ the only little pleasure that old people have ’ , which may be true to an extent , but if drinking becomes a problem then it is for the individuals to decide how much of a pleasure drinking is , and whether they want help to stop .
12 Despite all the fine statements that young people are the future of the country , they are still a disadvantaged group and will remain so until they are made a priority policy target .
13 Objective tinnitus that other people can hear is very rare .
14 According to functionalism , it turns out that the appropriate level of description is the same as that which characterizes folk psychology , the psychological theory that ordinary people use when predicting and explaining the behaviour of their fellow human beings in the course of their everyday lives .
15 There is one community that is chortling to itself over IBM Corp 's worldwide shredding of its mainframe price list , and that is the big leasing companies : while any prudent data processing manager has to call in Amdahl Corp , Hitachi Data Systems Ltd and Comparex Informationssysteme GmbH to be sure that the bid is n't a rip-off , there is still the nagging doubt that other people may be getting much better deals from IBM , and the only community that sees a wide variety of deals going down is the leasing fraternity , and the big ones say their people have n't been so busy in ages ; the effect of all this is to stretch out the buying process by weeks , to the likely detriment of the IBM first quarter figures .
16 It allows me to savour the end of the conflict , to enjoy it in a way I could not have done if it had really happened , that is if a few words had been exchanged , spoken with difficulty through the barbed-wire taboos that separate people in so-called intimate relationships .
17 is strong evidence that black people are unfairly treated by the criminal justice system .
18 There is strong evidence that ill-fed people in modern industrial and Third World societies are more likely to develop some infections and succumb to them , primarily because their immune systems are less effective : the so-called ‘ synergistic ’ effect ( Scrimshaw et al .
19 The need for excessive control in conversation can come from a deep fear that other people 's ideas are threatening .
20 Let's hear about all the good things that young people are doing around our diocese .
21 I continued donating until late 1987 when the pressures of my early twenties swept me into a few years of self neglect by alcohol and all those unhealthy things that young people do .
22 The new element in the situation seems to be the regular access that young people have to drugs , including illegal ones .
23 ( Nor should we forget the widespread convention in racist societies that Black people are addressed by whites as boy and girl .
24 The major problem that young people suffer is simply that they are young .
25 Whatever one 's views on public subsidy , the plain fact is that people involved with industries that receive public subsidies always know it and they have that awful feeling that other people are supporting them .
26 Two broad themes were apparent : first , there was a growing recognition that elderly people were mentally and physically capable of far more than had been previously assumed , and that it was medically and socially possible for them to maintain an independent and active life .
27 It 's a very depressing conclusion that elected people , Cabinet , Prime Minister , can not prevail against an ancient British institution at the centre of events in Whitehall …
28 There is a joke amongst Disabled people that non-Disabled people listen to music , do the gardening , hold down jobs , but Disabled people do music therapy , horticultural therapy , occupational therapy .
29 Angela had always preferred old oak and mellow English fruitwoods to mahogany , and was attracted to country furniture because it was the sort of simple , practical furniture that ordinary people would have had in their farmhouses or cottages .
30 We begin interactions with an implicit assumption that other people determine and control their behaviour .
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