Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [is] that in " in BNC.

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1 Another judge-made rule is that in Tyrrell ( 1894 ) , which provides that a person can not be convicted as a party to an offence if the offence was created for the protection of such persons .
2 An interesting difference is that in ants the workers are all sterile females , whereas in termites they are sterile males and sterile females .
3 An interesting point is that in the three leading models , those of Cournot , Bertrand , and Stackelberg , the NE outcomes are identical to those traditionally derived ; only the reasoning underlying the derivation of those equilibria changes .
4 The old joke is that in the army they once had the message ‘ Send reinforcements we 're going to advance ’ but it became ‘ Send three and fourpence we 're going to a dance . ’
5 Perhaps the most characteristic British example is that in the civitas capital at Silchester , where it was the second largest building in the town after the forum and was situated close to the south gate .
6 The second and for this thesis the more interesting suggestion is that in an otherwise normal driving situation a driver may report ‘ waking up ’ to find that they have no recollection of having driven some previous part of the journey , despite the fact that they completed relatively complex manoeuvres during the period .
7 An important general finding of the inner-city research is that in most of the linguistic variables quantified , there is a contextual style difference for all twelve groups of speakers , and there is also a sex-based difference .
8 Thus it may be said ( stage one ) that fundamental to the biblical outlook is that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , no more male and female .
9 The chief difference is that in practical problems the material facts often lie buried in a much larger mass of immaterial detail , while the examination problem contains comparatively little beyond the material facts .
10 The simple truth is that in public buildings , in the streets ( and even in the House of Commons ) , there just are n't enough women 's loos to go around and this begs the equally simple question : why ?
11 An additional factor is that in speaking English we vary in how rhythmically we speak : sometimes we speak very rhythmically ( this is typical of some styles of public speaking ) while at other times we speak arhythmically ( that is , without rhythm ) — for example , when we are hesitant or nervous .
12 The advantage of this rather simple procedure is that in a batch of ( let us say ) a thousand tokens the anomalous patterning of particular lexical items becomes evident .
13 In fact my real belief is that in the troubles ahead of us connected with labour we are moving very fast in the direction of revolution ; and though you will consider my hope a baseless one I still entertain it — that it is by Tariff Reform that we might , so to speak , get the train at least shifted on to other lines .
14 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
15 No , the real reason is that in our hearts we admire kidnappers .
16 The official justification is that in Bali the company could work with local performers and learn to ‘ shift our centres of gravity away from the head , down into the centres of our bodies ’ .
17 The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts .
18 The serious problem is that in this key area of the debate about ageing so much is speculative .
19 A further welcome measure is that in the event of a scheme in deficit being wound up , the deficiency becomes a debt on the employer which the trustees can pursue .
20 The important difference between Keynesian and neo-classical economics is that in the extreme Keynesian model , wages and prices are assumed to be inflexible ( at least in the downward direction ) whereas in the extreme neo-classical model , wages and prices are assumed to be completely flexible .
21 The basic idea is that in order to study a single linguistic feature , the investigator will elicit a set word or phrase in entirely naturalistic conditions from persons who happen to be in a given place at a given time .
22 The logical result is that in a month of war more high explosive has been dropped on Iraq than was used in the whole of world war two .
23 Why these two methods of accounting are controlled so differently is a complex matter , but a factual difference is that in the context of companies depreciation is purely a matter of accounting , whereas for local authorities it is a matter of accounting and finance .
24 A current theory is that in some individuals who have specific genetic predisposition , alcohol and other mood.altering drugs Progressively act upon brain tissue and distort its biochemical function to produce abnormal chemicals similar to THIQ .
25 ‘ The encouraging news is that in countries such as Finland and the USA where vaccination against Hib disease had been extensively administered the incidence of this form of meningitis has been dramatically reduced .
26 One of my great regrets is that in the period immediately after liberation Burmese leaders and people generally seemed more interested in the political future of Burma than in the urgent task of reconstruction .
27 The main feature of this alternative model is that in equilibrium inequalities may be observed even though there are no differences in wages and no random influences on income .
28 The first and perhaps most useful clue is that in the majority of cases the rash is non-irritating .
29 ‘ the encouraging fact is that in most areas there is capacity to allow both for the protection of the countryside and to build the number of houses we need .
30 The prime difference between the multi-male and uni-male groups is that in the latter sexually maturing males quickly leave the reproductive unit .
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