Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I ask the hon. Gentleman to let me continue at this stage .
2 There was quite a social calendar to keep me occupied if I ever tired of my own company .
3 Negotiations took place with the orthopaedic department to enable me to refer my own patients .
4 Well it 's dangerous stuff to handle I suppose
5 ‘ It 's absolute rubbish to suggest I 've been even a confidante while his marriage has been breaking up . ’
6 Tonight , not an easy word to spell I mean you might think it is but a lot of people spell it incorrectly .
7 For whose efforts on behalf of the fund I I really do thank them and I 'd like to make a special thanks to Lady Chandler , Lucy stepped into the breach as acting chair about a year ago and since I was elected has done a tremendous amount to help me settle in quickly and I hope effectively .
8 Erm so I c I could n't buy any of what you were telling me and it 's all like a , it was all a smokescreen I was putting up , the accountant , basically I , I was not erm buying anything er and the compressed funding was just blowing my mind because I could n't understa er it was basically giving me an easy option to say I do n't need to do anything cos I can compress my funding at forty five wo n't I , when my business has taken off .
9 The problem continues to be that a religious-fascist state wishes to hire professional terrorists to have me killed ; that has always been the problem . ’
10 In any case , he made feeble efforts to help me get him to his left foot , and with my almost total support he made the few hops to reach the boat , though I could see it hurt him sorely .
11 ‘ My dear Rose , ’ Theda said with a smile , ‘ you have so espoused Benedict 's cause that you imagine it is enough to tell me all his unfortunate history to make me realise what I already know .
12 Frankly there just is n't enough original or really exceptional material to tempt me to part with thirty pounds of my hard-earned cash .
13 I asked the Assistant Commissioner to let me go to Helsinki and he refused .
14 ‘ It 'll cost you more than a bloody ticket to get me to vote for you lot , ’ replied the fan .
15 Sailing mostly single-handed , and being like the rest of twentieth-century man a prisoner of time , I cheated by having an outboard engine to keep me going when the elements did n't help .
16 ‘ He has the effing gall to say I suggested it myself and he knows bloody well I was taking the piss . ’
17 ‘ I wish I were on an island with you and nobody else , with no trouble or danger or terrible memories to make me suffer . ’
18 It would be quite a useful thing to know I think .
19 That will take a long time to go I think
20 Ashamed of having frightened me , he looked at me sweetly and began to sing Italian songs to make me forget the incident ’ .
21 I belonged to that great multitude who could n't help liking Dick Crossman : he and I were always nice to one another , right to the day in 1974 shortly before his death when he came to the Birmingham Bull Ring in acute physical discomfort to hear me advise my fellow-electors to vote Labour if they wanted out of the Common Market .
22 It 's just to that medical thing to say I do n't want to .
23 It would be a dramatic touch to say I disappeared from view ; in fact I wish I had , because I would have stayed down there and avoided further embarrassment .
24 Because you see there was none of that exploration and it 's just those nice easy open question to get me to start enjoy spending my , my er retirement .
25 ‘ Well , that 's an artful way to get me to wait on you , ’ interrupted Sally-Anne frankly , ‘ and I suppose , since you are so cunning , and I am dying for a drink , you might have your way — perhaps a bonus on my wages might be an idea , seeing that I shall be doing this out of hours . ’
26 Erm er so erm yeah I mean that 's that 's er a fair way to proceed I think y'know if if you have video tapes or tape recordings of stuff
27 My point is that I see nothing in the Gracious Speech to enable me to counter the opinions expressed by our European partners who are still proud to know us but bemused that we have a Britain which in their eyes is no longer as great as it was .
28 I do but I 've got so many other things to do I have n't got time .
29 But it gave a warm , satisfying feeling to know I had done something right .
30 Was this a deliberate campaign to make me feel small ?
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