Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun prp] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To Meryl 's relief a very normal Pamela Berry plumped her rounded behind on the chair opposite Norman 's , and proceeded to cheer him up .
2 When aforementioned item arrived , a snickering Jim Bob sent it back saying ‘ This is n't original ! ’
3 It would put them in an impossible position if a legally-binding Living Will demanded what they considered unethical or bad medical practice .
4 No more celebrated case was brought before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee , where Representative Richard Nixon made his political reputation with it .
5 On New Year 's Day of 1848 , friendly Nez Perce escorted him out of their lands to Fort Walla Walla .
6 Old Van Leer left nothing to chance : not only did he plan his own funeral , he even made Wim rehearse a funeral oration , which he did with his usual brio .
7 However , I 'm afraid Colin James got his wires crossed a bit regarding our catering vehicle , so perhaps I had better set the record straight .
8 Old Ian Strachan locked himself in the bedroom with old Caroline Pickthorn , and old Peter Staithes pissed out of the window and threw empty bottles down into the basement area .
9 The philanthropic General Oglethorpe intended it initially as a place where people released from debtors ' prison could make a fresh start in life .
10 Prosecutors interviewed by the Polish daily Zycie Warszawy said they would not know how to deal with a case of illegal abortion as they had not yet received copies of the new law .
11 Old Ma Grace had nothing on the lass from Junagadh .
12 With a wry shrug of her slim shoulders Laura made herself a ham sandwich before wandering back into what the estate agent 's particulars had referred to as ‘ a huge reception-room ’ .
13 On the whole the working-class seaside resort did not become of major significance until the 1880s , and the nobility and gentry would scarcely consider a stay at Bournemouth ( where the French poet Verlaine found himself ) or Ventnor ( where Turgenev and Karl Marx took the air ) as a suitable summer activity .
14 That Old Mother Walsh had it right and that Ella Walsh should never have led the Church into the ways of men .
15 I 've lived carefully , and I 've got some savings — and old Mr. Stavanger left me £2,000 in his will — because of my father , you see .
16 The book should have been in Tollemarche 's only bookstore for several weeks ; however , when Hank casually sauntered in and asked for a copy , old Mr Pascall said it had not arrived .
17 The rumour mill had been in high gear since late January , when the fifty-seven year old Mr Brown announced he would retire by the end of the year to devote more time to ‘ parenting ’ and to the university founded by his family in Providence , Rhode Island ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p. 5 ) .
18 An enraged Mr Milosevic imposed his own sanctions : nothing but humanitarian supplies , he vowed , would cross the border between Serbia and Serb-controlled Bosnia .
19 Admittedly in public Harold Wilson did his best to argue that Britain did not possess an " independent " deterrent with his insistence that the British Polaris force was dependent on some American components and other assistance .
20 After more than a week of evidence , twenty seven year old Daniel Ahearn changed his plea on charges of assault and robbery and attempted extortion .
21 Nineteen-year-old songster Sebastian made his amazing gaffe as Di visited a centre for homeless youngsters .
22 Wittek writes that among the basic causes of concern were Bayezid 's policy of using Christian soldiers against the Muslim gazi emirates in Anatolia and the " latinization " of the Ottoman court , the introduction into it of the practices of the Christian Balkan princes , this criticism being reflected in anecdotes relating that Bayezid 's Serbian wife Despina instructed him in the delights of wine .
23 Old Harry Stearns told me . ’
24 Old Harry Stearns told me . ’
25 ‘ Yes , ’ said Bill Waddy , ‘ old Harry Stearns said he was very good . ’
26 After a twenty minute delay Cyril took his place but spent most of the time smiling at the audience .
27 One cold , windy day Marion nerved herself to take it down to the clachan to barter for food and wool , and found herself still ignored .
28 ‘ Another story touching on wet days : poor old Mrs Suggett told me it .
29 Seventy-two-year old Mrs Lydan met her group captain husband when they were in the RAF .
30 I did n't actually visit Mum for very long but old Mrs McSporran told me all the news of the Senior Citizens and our deacon gave me a few tips about growing rhubarb .
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