Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun prp] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Seventy-two-year old Mrs Lydan met her group captain husband when they were in the RAF .
2 With an expression of pained distaste Polly closed her eyes briefly to silence him .
3 With a tremendous effort Ruth forced her eyes open .
4 As the gloom of evening began to settle over the leafy canopy Paige carried her last bundle of kindling back to their campsite .
5 But maybe , just maybe , with sweet and sparkly Mrs Malloy smiling her way , she had the right to dump it .
6 In this full-length version Gironella places her square to the picture plane , a crucial adjustment which changes the tone from that of the formality of the original into one of helplessness .
7 Twice before she reached the opposite bank Jenny missed her footing and plunged -chest-deep into the river , but each time she was able , to grasp the slippery stepping-stone and slowly haul herself up on to it .
8 PRETTY Stephanie Stonier wrecked her car because she is terrified of spiders .
9 SUNDERLAND-BASED Dawn Milligan had her first open winner of the year when home-bred Woodhill Echo bounced back to form to win a high-class £1,000 open at Nottingham .
10 To the people who had already heard of her illness and sent her cards and good wishes Molly sends her grateful thanks .
11 GREAT Britain cross country international Angie Foster demonstrated her considerable talents on the track on Saturday when she sliced almost ten seconds off the Northumberland Schools Championships intermediate girls 3,000 metres record .
12 And to the good lady Mary explained her quest … her hope to attend the dinner fully equipped .
13 A DESPERATELY unhappy Princess Diana had her bags packed ready to leave the Royal Family at least six years ago .
14 Poor Mrs Sugden had her leg put in plaster , and was forced to bump herself down the stairs to get her husband 's meals — he had no intention of spoiling her .
15 Doberman-cross Major allegedly attacked one of Coun Sydney Emery 's neighbours and when a policewoman went to investigate , two-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback Maggie sunk her teeth into her arm , magistrates at Totton , Hants , were told .
16 But when she would have moved lower in her innocent foray Guy captured her hands with one of his and pinned them gently above her head .
17 With an ecstatic sigh of deep happiness Laura nestled her head in the hollow of his broad shoulder , only his low , mocking laugh managing to break through her state of utter bliss .
18 After a long pause Clare opened her eyes and looked at Caro .
19 Retreating from the strange creature Barbara loses her balance and tumbles over a cliff .
20 With a heavy sigh Laura placed her elbows on the dressing-table , leaning forward to bury her face in her hands for a moment .
21 Beautiful Belinda Carlisle takes her new baby James out for a spin .
22 WHO knows what prompted 25-year-old Joanna Grenside to stage her own abduction ?
23 MARIE Purvis of Manx Viking Wheelers lost her National 25 mile title at Andover .
24 Marie Purvis of Manx Viking Wheelers lost her National 25 mile title at Andover .
25 Defence cuts , NATO falling apart at the seams as a near-bankrupt Great Britain trimmed her commitment back below the survival level and the other European allies stopped considering the quality of their defensive and offensive hardware and began worrying about sharing out the contracts amongst the EEC brotherhood instead .
26 IT was a delight to read that 115-year-old Charlotte Hughes attributes her age to a sensible breakfast of bacon and eggs washed down by a tot of brandy .
27 Happy Charlotte Hughes puts her staying power down to regular habits .
28 Their only daughter Olive followed her father to an early grave as the result of the same complaint which was such a terrible scourge during the years prior to the Second World War .
29 The stranger , who did indeed take Tullivers , was a young married woman called Phyllida Prior , who had a small son Jeremy to keep her company .
30 This was the only time Joanna heard her captor 's voice as he ordered : ‘ Get in the car . ’
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