Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] seem to " in BNC.

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1 Old age rarely seems to be regarded by a writer as interesting in itself : it is relevant above all as an influence on a young , new life , and never as the culmination of a lifetime .
2 Private space where people have some resources , is smart and well cared for , but the public spaces always seem to be mucky or breaking down .
3 Secondly , the strategy has identified that access to outpatient and non-urgent casualty services run by public hospitals also seems to be declining for public patients .
4 The Victorians also come in for considerable attention , some of it with a feminist slant , while , not surprisingly perhaps , Latin America still seems to be chic .
5 After that , if differences in income per worker in different enterprises still seemed to be excessive , it would be reasonable to introduce a progressive tax on enterprise income within each republic or province , based on the level of the enterprise 's net income per worker .
6 We have failed to grasp it and , although some of the eastern European countries now seem to be succeeding in the adaptation to a market economy , many others , including Russia , are likely to fail .
7 Yet the yawning emptiness out here upon the vast deck already seemed to be swallowing any sense of connexion with the interior of the fortress-monastery …
8 No Roman Catholic movement of the left had appeared to help Rome in its political struggles at a time when the suffrage was spreading ; in spite of a few ‘ Christian socialists ’ , Roman Catholicism still seemed to be tied to social and political conservatism .
9 Personal appearances always seemed to be a bone of contention .
10 The guilloche of the outer border also seems to be of thicker strands than the three-strand guilloche of the latter .
11 Its actual pace often seems to him interchangeable with Allegro , both words indicating more about character than speed .
12 Yet to the outsider postwar Japanese society still seems to be striking not in its similarities to , but in its differences from , the West .
13 But when you 're bottom of the Premier League little seems to be fair .
14 ‘ The central problem still seems to be that the UK is generally less adept than other developed economies at moving out of slow growth industries into faster growing ones , such as scientific instruments and electronics ’ ( Atkinson , 1983 ) .
15 Many of the arcuate lengths of contemporary coastlines now seem to be the edges of Triassic basins .
16 Large companies still seem to be finding it increasingly difficult to retain top management .
17 Despite pleas for a better blend , the penetration of practice by well-grounded theory still seems to be a painfully slow process .
18 The search for accurate , non-invasive tools , for the follow up of treated patients still seems to be needed .
19 For Joe Trace , a door-to-door salesman of Cleopatra beauty products , and his wife Violet , the good times finally seem to be rolling .
20 What is extraordinary is that it is taking off in England — the land of the Stiff Upper Lip , where the primary emotion often seems to be fear of embarrassment .
21 Mrs Holloway says that she 's sad that a once great industry now seems to be in terminal decline .
22 A key phrase here seems to me to be ‘ gentle figure who handles his firing weapon ’ .
23 Their prime option still seems to be to kick .
24 The arguments against restorative proctocolectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis on the grounds that the operation carries a much greater morbidity than ileorectal anastomosis now seem to be unfounded , particularly when the need for annual and sometimes difficult sigmoidoscopy after ileorectal anastomosis is considered .
25 Fat Paul still seemed to be reeling at this development .
26 Indeed , in Britain , the short-lived post-Thatcher pro-Europeanism has been dissipated in a wave of Atlanticism and jingoism — talk of political union now seems to be off the agenda .
27 Medical advice is generally sought at some stage , but the action taken by general practitioners still seems to be suboptimal and shows considerable geographical variation .
28 More people with incontinence seem to be consulting their doctors about it than has been found in previous studies , but the procedures carried out by general practitioners still seem to be suboptimal .
29 The situation for people disabled from childhood or from birth appears to be slightly different ; there is the same pattern of increasing satisfaction preceding a downturn in later years , but the start of this upward trend often seems to be delayed until early adulthood .
30 Normally developing children often seem to be inexhaustible sources of spoken language ; they seem to relish their developing abilities and to use them on every possible occasion .
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