Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [coord] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The travellers were then carried in a northerly direction and with Spalding now on their right and Bourne to the left , the craft was stabilized by throwing out all the remaining ballast .
2 In the south , it was to be a different story and with Vietminh claims recognized neither by the British/Indian forces who arrived first nor by the French who followed not long after , and with Japanese forces for the most part under much tighter control , the reassertion of French sovereignty , at least in so far as this might be done through the possession of Saigon , did not have long to wait .
3 Word processing has many advantages over the electronic typewriter and with systems available under £500 you need to think very carefully before you reject the word-processing option .
4 A similar alloy to German Silver but with ingredients of different proportions , which tended to give the metal a more yellow colour .
5 Easily maintained paved patio garden , bounded on all sides by wooden fencing and with trees and shrubs , affording a high degree of privacy and seclusion .
6 The film as a whole was quite remarkable with Jean Harlow giving another of her stunning braless roles and with Mae Clark taking a grapefruit in the face in a scene which film historians have interpreted either as an act of sexual debasement or of sexual equality but which contemporary audiences just found thrilling .
7 The identification of imagination , not with enhanced perception but with self-expression and ‘ originality ’ , has had a harmful effect on education .
8 Lamarr jumped back dropping the broken pieces and with blood all over his hand and face .
9 Not only do you have all the facilities of other commercial packages but with Rembrandt you can draw in stereo 3D , of course you will need a pair of glasses with the two colour lenses to see you drawings disappearing into the back of your monitor .
10 Trying to present that impossible chimera , ‘ a balanced view ’ , the series in fact reflected the existing power relations in the industry by showing predominantly White , Western , heterosexual films , but clearly an effort was made to complete the picture with some lesbian films and with work ( especially documentaries and shorts ) from outside the familiar Eurocentric tradition .
11 With the pound diving to a record low of 2.438 against the German mark and with John Major facing a mauling at next week 's Tory conference , the grim news came from Trade Secretary Michael Heseltine .
12 The College of Arms , founded in 1483 , made and authenticated grants of arms , while its heralds were often used by the Crown to treat with foreign powers or with rebels .
13 2.2.1 in a good and workmanlike manner and with sound materials of their respective kinds and
14 3.7.1 in a good and workmanlike manner and with sound materials of their respective kinds
15 Overseas expansion was often led by men with no clear instructions or with instructions that they ignored , but the Spanish conquistadores like Cortes and Pizzaro took this further than most .
16 Secondly , he devised the beginnings of a new mechanics that was to replace Aristotelian mechanics and with reference to which the mechanical arguments against Copernicus were defused .
17 Family health services authorities should establish a multidisciplinary primary care research strategy group , drawing where possible on local academic departments of general practice and public health and with district and regional public health medicine representatives .
18 The bridge over the river Tweed at Peebles was once an important part of the Kailzie Drove Road , a main route for cattle driven from the Highlands for sale in English markets and with side paths for transporting local woollen goods to similar markets .
19 The Light Blues had a half-length lead at the Old Ship but with Gardiner setting an excellent rhythm , and with Davy , Maclennan and Bridge backing magnificently , Oxford were holding on in flat water .
20 The undoubted components were that American policy in Japan had become more sympathetic to the aspirations of moderate conservatism and that a peace treaty would probably be concluded within a year or so , resting on generous treatment and with Japan locked into the system of western strategy directed against the threat of Soviet expansion .
21 My affection for her was leavened with lesser likings and with admiration .
22 Nancy entered with a brave face but with fear in her heart .
23 Indeed , the very success of the Zimbabwean settlement , in line with repeated British withdrawals from colonial territories since the late 1950s , encouraged a growing impatience on Mrs Thatcher 's part with the consensus men of the Foreign Office and with Lord Carrington , its grandee incumbent .
24 European traders were really no problem ; they usually negotiated with his direct vassals or with princes lower in the scale .
25 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
26 But with the wearing of seatbelts now a legal requirement in many European countries and with adherence rates generally high ( much higher than in the US ) , the airbag is poised to make a significant contribution to lessening the head and chest injuries that even restrained drivers can suffer through impact with the steering wheel .
27 The project will use published data from the balance sheets of a large sample of firms together with interviews with government and private bankers and with firms in the electronics industry .
28 Subject to the foregoing , the form and content of the balance sheets and profit and loss accounts and additional information provided by way of notes must comply with Schedule 4 in relation to individual accounts and with Schedule 4A in relation to group accounts .
29 With all three of these colleagues he was on terms of warm friendship but with Spear , especially , he enjoyed huge laughs .
30 In contrast to the latter , academic psychologists have concentrated more on creativity as a normal cognitive trait and with problems like its psychometric measurement , development , and correlations with other — mostly ‘ desirable ’ — characteristics .
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