Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [coord] then [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He drifted into junior football but then linked up again with McFall at Portadown — where he won two championship medals .
2 Harriet Tubman — 19th Century African-American woman born into slavery who escaped to the Northern Free States and then helped establish The Underground Railroad , a network of abolitionists who aided slaves in escaping bondage .
3 They would argue that the input should not be segmented into primitive units and then matched against the lexical representation .
4 Suddenly , from the top of the bank , Buckthorn flung himself headlong into the scuffle , knocked one of the guards flying with a kick from his back legs and then closed with the other .
5 For a while , the most successful pop groups had the power to shift mass consciousness to an unprecedented degree and this confidence expressed itself in a plethora of new sexualities brought into the public eye , offered up for public consumption and then put into practice in people 's lives .
6 Jekub emerged like a very angry chick from a very old egg and then rolled to a stop .
7 Chris Reid , of Hibs , will be on the Scottish bench and then driven to Glasgow , where he will play from the start against Partick Thistle in the Premier Division .
8 The youth was approached by another man as he walked along High Row and then beaten to the ground .
9 My idea of heaven is a meal starting with champagne and smoked salmon and then followed by a whole series of pudding trolleys rolling up one by one ! ’
10 They had to make their way from North Africa to England to join the Free French forces and then volunteered for the Commandos .
11 During the arrest the four men were reportedly beaten with rubber truncheons and then taken to the local police station in Péc , where they were again beaten and held overnight .
12 Each ceremony usually starts with the presentation of one or more honorary graduands who are introduced by speeches from the public orators and then admitted to their degrees by the Chancellor .
13 The corridor they had travelled along had turned an abrupt corner and then ended at a blank , curved wall .
14 The Newbury Railway was originally laid to Brunel 's broad gauge and then relaid to standard gauge and is now being revived with a track gauge of two foot .
15 The prelude to this was set by another psychoanalyst called Otto Rank one of Freud 's er early followers who had published a book called the Myth of the Birth of the Hero and in this book what Rank did was to trawl through world folklore and literature , from myths of heroes , and of course there are a lot of those books , and dozens and dozens of them and what he does in the book is he distils all these dozens and dozens of myths and he finds that there 's a common pattern emerges and it 's , it 's pretty stereotypical actually and the common pattern is the hero is born of royal or divine parents , the hero for some reason or other that loses his parents or is cast out by them or is er exposed in some way , erm the hero is often threatened by some outside force and then rescued by er humble people .
16 Arrival times were obtained by convolution of the pulses with an appropriate template and then corrected for the Earth 's motion using the JPL DE200 barycentric ephemeris .
17 The One Source database can first be screened for quoted companies and then screened by activity .
18 Undergraduates were also shown sets of digits of varying sizes and then shown a ‘ probe ’ digit .
19 He won the European Formula Renault Championship the following year and then switched to Formula Three in 1978 .
20 The electrons may be emitted from a hot cathode maintained at a fixed temperature and then conducted through a stable arrangement of electric and magnetic fields which imparts to them a certain amount of energy and focusses them in a particular region of space .
21 Because the steam is generated in a separate tank and then passed at pressure through a pipe onto the iron 's soleplate , drips , leaks , calcium and other nasties are prevented from staining your clothes and the life of the iron is prolonged .
22 They eyed us with vague curiosity and then returned to their ( apparently fruitless ) fishing .
23 The small , sad , trapped figures we met in Dubliners were , for the most part , you might say , given a quick deliverance , each firmly located within his or her narrow circle and then left .
24 The count shot him a cold , hard look and then turned on his heel .
25 The tissue was fixed using Brunnels primary fixative ( Laboratory Supplies and Instruments , Antrim , UK ) , processed by conventional methods and then embedded in paraffin .
26 The sons of Aelfwald , still in sanctuary in York minster , were persuaded in 791 to leave the church by what are said to have been false promises and then killed , presumably drowned , by Aethelred in Wonwaldremere .
27 The paths of two lives , or three to be exact , came together for a little while and then separated .
28 This information can be continuously monitored by a receiving station and then delivered to the map component of the GIS .
29 The nature of the capital charges is outlined in the main White Paper and then shown in more detail in Working Paper 5 and in Working Paper 9 .
30 ‘ Her late husband , James IV , at one time supported the cause of the White Rose and then deserted it .
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