Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun pl] for people " in BNC.

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1 The algae can cause the death of fish and other aquatic organisms , and can also trigger painful skin problems for people who come into contact with their slime .
2 Referrals to hospital social work teams for people leaving hospital has been referred to earlier .
3 This being so , specific rehabilitation programmes for people with mental disorder frequently use a therapeutic approach which practises and rehearses ordinary activities so as to help people regain confidence in managing the business of life .
4 We have negotiated , or in the process of negotiating , service agreements with some organisations which provide high-cost domestic scale units for people with profound/multiple handicaps ; in addition special arrangements have been made to secure emergency accommodation for people who are vulnerable and homeless .
5 Bearing in mind the Opposition 's unalloyed joy at the thought of an increase in national insurance contributions for people who earn more than that , is it time that the Opposition came clean on their plans for the self-employed , who are the engine of the power house for this country ?
6 These two institutions have made themselves universally known as the automatic check-in points for people who like a bit of a show — canteens for gossip column readers in search of local colour .
7 I mean you we , we have made , you know , black wedding cakes for people that feel , something like that , we 've even made divorce cakes , so you do n't have to get married to have one !
8 It is a much needed long-term approach to widening life chances for people who can all too easily be consigned to standardized services and to cramped , narrow , and stultifying lives — but it requires significant resources .
9 Well , the legislation in Britain , the first law which is the law from which our present wages councils for people like hairdressers came from erm was passed in nineteen oh nine , and it was because we had a reforming Liberal Government at the time .
10 This appears to be confirmed by current trends in Spain , where the development of autonomous regions encompassing health and social care is leading to a strong administrative reform which has , as one of its central objectives , the establishment of primary care services for people suffering from mental illness .
11 Formal , coordinated care plans for people with complex needs .
12 The way forward , if it 's the desire of the community to find more low cost houses for people to live in , in villages , I think the way is to give some incentive to farmers and landowners to give er or to make land available .
13 Volunteers also help with claims for Criminal Injuries Compensation — a Government scheme which provides moderate cash payments for people injured through violent crimes .
14 In addition , the capital loans fund is financing the development of new facilities for physiotherapy , occupational therapy and other day services for people with a learning disability .
15 Develop special care facilities for people with dementia in residential and nursing homes and day centres .
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