Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] much the " in BNC.

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1 Insider dealing is an economic crime in much the same way as theft is a crime of property .
2 They watched television with pleasure , but treated its political messages with much the same scepticism as they did ordinary speeches and broadcasts : it did not seem that television had greater persuasive power to mould Zuwaya minds than other media .
3 Devotees don their kinte-cloth caps in much the same spirit as British Thatcherites sport their tweeds and Republicans their blazers .
4 Ross objects that Moore himself was guilty of confusing a contestable moral judgement in favour of his ideal utilitarian position with an account of the meaning of an ethical expression in much the same way as were those who committed the naturalistic fallacy by offering naturalistic or metaphysical definitions of ‘ good ’ .
5 Their graves were tended by surviving relatives in much the same way that they looked after the house of an absent friend .
6 Elongated bodies , the mitochondria , provide energy by burning oxygen in much the same way as many bacteria do .
7 On the contrary , as the next chapter will show , legal ownership is recognised and distinguished from equitable ownership in much the same way as a legal estate in land is distinguished from equitable interests therein .
8 Feeding on an abundant sedentary prey ( several years ' supply may be found within 1 m , ) , there is little stimulus for great activity and dog-whelks may spend long periods in much the same place .
9 My sister Pat , aged thirteen was in theory being educated at home according to a syllabus devised by the Parents ' National Educational Union , and which worked on a postal basis in much the same way as the Open University does today .
10 Shetlanders seem to assess the good job in much the same way as incomers .
11 A piece of oral history may be meant to do without a presiding historian in much the same way in which an analytic session may be meant to do without a presiding analyst ; theoretical presuppositions are subject in each case to a show of suspension , though it is clear that the theories of Freud and others will be present in the consulting-room , and that oral historians may be sympathetic to socialism and to the methods of Marxist historiography .
12 Emotional experience , on the other hand , he thought was the result of activating specific areas of the cerebral cortex in much the same way as activating other areas produced visual or auditory experience .
13 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
14 Germany also began during the first years of the twentieth century to make some patchy and sporadic provision of much the same kind for her trade interests abroad .
15 Having done so much to point up the plight of blacks in the 1960s and 1970s , Ali reduced himself to little more than a comic figure in much the same way as Johnson had .
16 Distension of the rectum facilitates defecation in patients with complete supraconal lesions by generating rectal contractions and anal relaxations in much the same way as in normal subjects .
17 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
18 The evidence suggested rather that the USSR was a defensive and sometimes opportunist power , responding to changing circumstances in much the same way that any other government ( or its tsarist predecessor ) might have done .
19 The phrasal appositions in , for example , [ 22 ] and [ 12 ] involve a violation of a syntactic pattern in much the same way as the epiphora in [ 24 ] , and would on these grounds be classified as a rhetorical device in a classical account .
20 while Labour Party ranks are being filled by further education lecturers , men and women with professional training with much the same outlook on politics as a profession as the younger Conservatives .
21 But it is a happy thought that Glenda Jackson probably affects Conservative supporters in much the same way .
22 She wore a bulky mock-leather jacket of much the same colour as the local brick , a tweed skirt and even in that light , wrap-around sunglasses .
23 A representative person is one who will act in a given situation in much the same way as those he represents would act in that same situation .
24 The objection that the scientific revolution saw the separation of science from both religion and magic hardly clears the air , because religious beliefs played a role in the assault on magical practices , with hard-headed Protestants putting magic and Roman Catholic rituals in much the same category .
25 There were twenty of us , other chaps in much the same boat as me , Nancy our tutor was cheerful , down to earth and did not expect us to be cordon bleu cooks .
26 This uses the shells of whelks , winkles and other gastropods in much the same way as a medieval knight used a suit of armour — to protect the soft and vulnerable parts of the body from attack .
27 Ella Bembridge was a formidably hearty spinster of fifty-five who had lived , with a wilting friend of much the same age , in a small cottage on the Lulling corner of Thrush Green for the past ten years .
28 This led him to compare the legal codes of archaic and modern societies in much the same manner as Maine had done .
29 Yet upon recollection I seem to have known other men in much the same case . ’
30 Even the simplest , most basic requirement we make of translation can not be met without difficulty : one can not always match the content of a message in language A by an expression with exactly the same content in language B , because what can be expressed and what must be expressed is a property of a specific language in much the same way as how it can be expressed .
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