Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] all [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A total ban on all advertising and promotion .
2 In dealing with exemption clauses the UCTA has three possible reactions : the imposition of a total ban on all exemption clauses of that category ; the imposition of a ban on all such clauses unless in the circumstances the clause satisfies the criterion of " reasonableness " ; and no imposition of a ban at all .
3 The report also recommends a total ban on all tobacco advertising and promotion , adequate funding for long-term smoking education programmes and legislation to create a smoke-free environment at work and in public places .
4 A county council has taken the first step towards a total ban on all fox hunting on council land .
5 He called on other nuclear powers , notably China and the United Kingdom , to follow suit , saying that it provided " a real opportunity for … a total ban for all time on nuclear tests " .
6 On the immediate constitutional front , corruption was attacked ; virtual representation was no longer seen as enough ; and whilst some attacked the rights of landed property in politics urging the principle that every man of means should be directly represented , some went further to attack the political privilege of all property arguing for the " rights of man " , complete equality , and a democratic republic based on the true sovereignty of all the people .
7 Each steward will create a list of issuing authorities for all Product and Process Dossiers within their responsibility .
8 On April 22 a statement by the Presidential Council had stressed that the new constitution would ensure " the supremacy of Islamic sharia over all legislation " .
9 In acknowledging his love of music , Sony Classical is able to benefit the Prince of Wales Charities Trust and pay complementary artistic respects to one of the most talented and complete musicians of all time .
10 Due to increased public fears that BSE might be transmittable to humans , exacerbated by the deaths of three cats in May-June from a disease resembling BSE , British beef was in May withdrawn from school menus in numerous local authority areas in the UK , and on June 11 the ( UK ) National Farmers ' Union announced a voluntary code of practice to combat the spread of BSE , including a complete ban on all animal feeds containing " specified " beef offal .
11 Despite a heavyweight ( and possibly counterproductive ) lobbying effort by the tobacco companies , its March 14th vote was aimed at a complete ban on all tobacco advertising — a business worth £46m in Britain in 1988 .
12 Working groups from all member countries met in Prague on Oct. 23-25 to discuss the transformation of COMECON in keeping with " market reactions " .
13 Two years after the publication of the Syllabub book disagreements with my partners over policy matters led to my resignation as chairman and director of the firm and eventually to my total severance of all connection with it .
14 We will press for the progressive reduction of all tariff and non-tariff trade barriers , and in particular the removal of unfair trading barriers against developing countries .
15 During a series of preparatory meetings , representatives from the LDCs called for " an immediate and total write-off of all LDC debt " as well as " the elimination of all tariff and non-tariff barriers on products of actual and/or potential export interest to LDCs " .
16 ‘ I told him that as far as I was concerned he was junior shit of all time .
17 Johnson and Douglas ( 1978 : 151 ) point out that the Equity Funding scandal , ‘ perhaps one of the largest securities and investment frauds ever perpetuated on the American public , … involved more losses than the total losses of all street crime in the US for one year ’ .
18 Gen. Nawaz also apparently warned the current ISI head , Gen. Assad Durrani , to halt covert aid to all mujaheddin factions .
19 Some US congressmen believe that the Japanese are secretly developing test-tube fusion technology and that the US is already losing the race for the economic bonanza of all time .
20 We have set up , for the first time , powerful co-ordinating machinery within Whitehall to ensure that environmental considerations are given due weight in all decision-making .
21 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
22 At 16h AEL ( shown here ) , a uniform EJC response is observed to L-glutamate iontophoresis in all muscle regions ; similar recordings are obtained through the end of embryogenesis .
23 Men with top-level executive positions arrange in advance to take two weeks off to attend the Van Cliburn ; habitual meetings of all description are deferred ; women leave their housekeeping entirely in the hands of their housekeepers .
24 If we have ( say ) two circuits then the forces upon each other may be calculated by determining first the magnetic field over all space and then applying eqn ( 3.90 ) .
25 RBG Edinburgh recorded 786,000 visits in 1990 , although it is probably a minimum figure and with more careful monitoring of ALL visitor numbers , including educational activities and special groups , a more accurate figure should be available for 1991 .
26 The Offshore Supplies Office will continue to play an important role in promoting fair commercial opportunity in all oil and gas markets and in supporting EC initiatives for the creation of open and commercially fair markets .
27 He was , and remains , one of the top entertainers of all time .
28 These are generally applicable and binding in their entirety , and have direct effect upon all member states .
29 Canadian songwriter , Nancy Simmonds has now written and recorded over 60 different songs for all breed of dog .
30 RED RUM is certainly Aintree 's best-known name , equine or human , and arguably the most popular horse of all time .
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