Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [v-ing] over " in BNC.

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1 He started by saying that after Montaine 's death Jean-Claude had survived in the dark — a dirty , torn piece of sacking over the window and newspaper plugging the broken panes , obscuring the merest ray of sunlight .
2 There was a sad sequel when Combermere , who was in third place at the time , shattered a hind leg on landing over the penultimate fence and had to be destroyed .
3 To this end the TUC calls for the negotiation of technology agreements ( TAs ) which would establish new procedures for discussing technological change and a comprehensive framework for bargaining over the effects of change on working conditions .
4 COUNTLESS hours of studying over the past six years have paid off for a Barlaston engineering technician — in the form of an Open University degree .
5 I think , therefore we are extremely fortunate , that so many people of distinction and talent are willing to give up time to serve on the Executive of the N C V O to work with the honourary officers and the Director and her team , to ensure that N C V O maintain such a central role in watching over our interests and in promoting the concerns of the people of this country , that we are all so active about .
6 His personal preference for sculling over rowing assisted the introduction of quadruple sculls to world championship and Olympic competition .
7 when you are feeling compelled to reinforce ( reward ) inappropriate behaviour by debating/arguing/nagging over it .
8 The purpose of the research is to examine the factors which have influenced the rapid growth of subcontracting over the past decade in certain sectors .
9 He 's a sadistic man — he must have taken great pleasure in working over Joe last night . "
10 Unless you have a good reason for standing over there I should come out and get some fresh air .
11 A really good thing about working over here is that in Australia the stars are a pretty tight-knit , small group and so you basically know almost everyone already .
12 It passes among Lakeland 's most exciting summits and beautiful dales without crossing over itself or backtracking , and it avoids commercialised areas .
13 His government has had considerable success in winning over guerrilla field commanders and turning them into semi-autonomous militias with lavish handouts of money and arms .
14 A delegation asked the police to clear the way and when this was refused , four DCAC members made a token protest by leaping over the barriers .
15 Honestly , though , who out there has n't at several junctions been reduced by sleeplessness , exhaustion and sheer frustration into staring over the heads of your babies at the man who fathered them , and thinking what in hell 's name am I doing with this person ?
16 The purchaser may defer tax payable on the sale of other qualifying assets by rolling over the gain made on disposal into the acquisition cost under the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act ( TCGA ) 1992 , s152 .
17 However , comparative studies of Wyrwoll & smyth ( 1985 ) , who suggested that the ‘ improved ’ performance may be partly a function of shape-influenced deficiencies in the sieving technique , led to the conclusion that only a marginal improvement in fitting over the log-normal curve was achieved .
18 Fidelity believes it breaks new ground by getting over the problem that has stopped unit trusts from showing any real growth since the Great Crash five years ago namely that 90pc of unit trusts are in high risk equities , whereas 90pc of savings are in low risk investments such as banks or building societies .
19 I am ushered reverently into a cabin and pick up the quaint hand set , which has an additional round earpiece for clamping over the spare ear , so that I see myself reflected in the glass like a radio operator or a session singer .
20 What is not so obvious is whether the vast sums of money that have been spent by central government and the local authorities on housing over the years have had much effect on reducing housing inequalities .
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