Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The weak banking structure of the USA was in imminent danger of collapse .
2 If the quality is n't high enough for the final product the flexibility gained by using industry standard coding or a page description language such as PostScript means the same file can be passed to a professional typesetting system without the need for re-typing .
3 By applying such a low EM field to a cell in order to excite it and then observing how long it takes to discharge , it is possible to determine when a cell has become transformed from a normal state to a cancerous condition .
4 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
5 In his Lordship 's view , the wife should receive the full sum and in due course account to the Revenue for any tax due .
6 Since 1991 , the CIB has supported the Eastern and Central European banking section of the Overseas Development Administration .
7 The Torygraph gave us the usual shite report of the game — it did however comment on the poor state of the pitch and also get Sgt Wilko to display his disgust on it 's current state .
8 The Torygraph gave us the usual shite report of the game — it did however comment on the poor state of the pitch and also get Sgt Wilko to display his disgust on it 's current state .
9 In December there followed the most extensive anarchist rising of the entire Republican period .
10 The classic West Face of the Petites Jorasses , for example , turned nasty at the top , causing accidents and diverting even more attention towards its controversial neighbour Anouk , Michel Piola 's 108-bolt , fast-food classic .
11 More worryingly , many consumers said they did not like the taste , but much of that could be put down to the fact that many housewives had a narrow cooking repertoire with an average of only two turkey variations .
12 On the tail , lane road , give way to vehicles coming towards you you must not overtake if you would have to cross or straddle double white lines with a solid line on the out of you , erm if you 're within a zig zag area , the pelican crossing , after a normal overtaking sign until the end of the restriction , do not overtake when you can not see far enough ahead , for example , when coming through
13 The total contract cost of the church conversion and the adjacent new building was of the order of £1.25 million and the work extended over twenty-one months .
14 This , he believes , is what has made Unisys Corp ‘ the most profitable computer company in the world ’ — since the merger of Univac and Burroughs , it has not only kept headcount low , but also used the profits generated from mainframe sales to develop portable software applications .
15 Introducing the variable , it is seen that when this second contribution is but when it is To summarise , the foregoing analysis has established that the complete Fourier spectrum of a unit step function comprises a delta function centred on zero frequency that provides the mean direct level of one-half and a continuous spectrum of sinewaves with amplitude that provides the unit step about the mean .
16 Though the extensive story telling of the Bible and Gospels was developed especially in Gothic architecture , in the great portals and walls , Romanesque work too tells this story .
17 Margaret Somerville ( McGill ) , fresh from the human rights conference in Vienna , displayed a cartoon — a solid brick wall with a paper thin door of human rights .
18 On top of this was a solid brick monument with an upright stone .
19 As a direct result of these projects discussions were held with management level representatives of a large number of local companies , ranging from a multi-national electronics firm to a local laundry service .
20 Specifically though the European Programmes Division with the department will lead the development of our programmes in Eastern Europe .
21 I am Michael Taylor and I 'm the Director of the United Kingdom and European Programmes Department of the Save The Children Fund .
22 The serum was stored at -40°C in foil-covered tubes , then transported on dry ice to the Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory in the Institute of Child Health in London , where the serum retinol content was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography ( Spectraphysics , Hemel Hempstead , UK ) with a 10 cm ODS2 column ( Pharmacia , Milton Keynes , UK ) and an ultraviolet detector ( Phillips , Cambridge , UK ) .
23 The fact that France had already received the lion 's share of new European component investment over the previous five years was beside the point .
24 On day 17 the sudden onset of acute right heart failure , a right atrial gallop , and right heart strain on the electrocardiogram indicated a pulmonary embolus .
25 She remembered the great flagged kitchen floor at the Bassetts ' house and her heart warmed .
26 Figure 7.8 illustrates the principles of statistical quality control leading to the most economic inspection technique for the degree of control required .
27 Figure 7.8 illustrates the principles of statistical quality control leading to the most economic inspection technique for the degree of control required .
28 A 25-mile strip of rich muckland south of the lake was designated for sugar-cane plantations , to be drained and flooded by huge pumps .
29 Jessy lives in a low income area of a town in Zambia .
30 " The [ NATO ] Community member states … , in accordance with the guidelines established at the recent meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Copenhagen [ see p. 38313 ] , regard the ultimate reinforcement of a European defence identity as an important contribution to the strengthening of the Atlantic Alliance …
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