Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The FlexiLoan Protection Plan has been specially designed for Midland customers in conjunction with London and Edinburgh Insurance Company Limited and London and Edinburgh Life Assurance Company Limited and provides the following benefits :
2 The price of low category security has been more than some inmates wanted to pay at Springhill Prison in Buckinghamshire .
3 The team is now in place but the total reorganisation task has been expensive and operational efficiency has suffered during the process of change .
4 Since the survey has yet to be formally closed , an interim response rate has been calculated on the basis of the number of questionnaires sent to these 55 courses and returns to date from them .
5 European defence co-operation had been made less likely in 1973 by the admission of neutral Eire to the EC .
6 Since the vendor may choose not to proceed after the due diligence report has been finalised , the prospective purchaser 's advisers may argue that the investigation should not begin until after contracts have been exchanged .
7 The stolen Vauxhall Cavalier had been spotted by police on the Hardwick Estate only moments before the crash .
8 This right field superiority has been interpreted as due , at least in part , to the fact that stimuli presented to the right visual field will have readier access to regions of the left hemisphere specialised for the reception of verbal stimuli .
9 This right field superiority has been interpreted as due , at least in part , to the fact that stimuli presented to the right visual field will have readier access to regions of the left hemisphere specialised for the reception of verbal stimuli .
10 As reported on Aug. 23 a $244,000,000 economic aid agreement had been signed with the USA to support the economic recovery programme , $130,000,000 of which would used towards payment of debt arrears .
11 AN eight-year-old North-East schoolgirl has been named as runner-up in a national nature competition .
12 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
13 A SECOND senior detective with a regional crime squad has been suspended after an internal inquiry into allowances irregularities .
14 The Suffolk Rural Arts Fund has been launched as the result of a collaboration between Suffolk County Council 's arts and libraries committee , Suffolk Acre and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation , and will give grants of between £50 and £500 to encourage rural communities to develop their own high quality arts initiatives .
15 After the second bond issue ( by which time half the total programme allocation had been made ) investor participation through the EPL was excluded .
16 The first European Prix Galien has been awarded to Glaxo for ondansetron ( Zofran ) its novel 5-HT3 anatagonist .
17 Until the mid-1970s , what one might call public sector professional accounting practice had been promulgated by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy ( which from 1901 — 1973 was known as the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants ) .
18 The note , headed ‘ Costing Labour 's Programme ’ and dated 17 July 1989 , says : ‘ The Labour review document has been drafted much more carefully than on some earlier occasions .
19 On May 29 the government announced that the Political Parties Law had been amended to allow the INEC to set a new limit for individual contributions .
20 Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridisation studies have yielded conflicting results , since at different times evidence has been presented to suggest that antigens or nucleic acids from measles virus , respiratory syncytial virus , or canine distemper virus might be present in pagetic tissue or cultured cells but no virus has been isolated from affected tissue .
21 Public funding support has been halved .
22 Public funding support has been halved .
23 The long-term inhalation of such gases is harmful to health and , although no acceptable exposure level has been submitted , studies have shown that breathing in hydrocarbons increases the risk of lung cancer .
24 Bentham 's criticisms of social contract theory had been accepted but nothing was put in its place .
25 An instrument of torture in all but the most capable of hands , the bass guitar rack has been lagging behind in the preamp/power amp technology already enjoyed by guitarists the world over .
26 The Lower Palaeozoic Unst complex has been investigated by the BGS and mining companies for copper-nickel ( MEG 136 ) , chromite ( MRP 35 ) and precious metals ( MRP 73 ) .
27 Detailed ultrasound scanning has been shown to be cost effective as it detects most cases of Down 's syndrome as well as other life threatening conditions .
28 WHISPERS of a takeover of a British building society have been circulating in the City since the spring when the Abbey National won the overwhelming backing of its savers and borrowers to convert itself into a bank .
29 After the initial , concurrent budget resolution has been agreed , the committees go to work considering the president 's budget proposals in minute detail .
30 Is not it true that some documents that the Public Accounts Committee receives are not published , such as the memorandum that the National Audit Office drew up for me on the accountability of United Nations agencies ?
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