Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [indef pn] is " in BNC.

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1 All the respondents in our survey are highly experienced in this sector ; some hold scientific doctorates and one is a qualified accountant .
2 Poverty is widespread in this former British protectorate but nobody is starving and the people themselves , the Batswana , are shyly welcoming .
3 The club have a flourishing social side and everyone is welcome .
4 Even when our bodies give us very clear signals that something is wrong , we will hardly ever take responsibility for any problems that we may incur .
5 There are also some wooden huts and everything is fenced in to keep out the wolves and curious locals .
6 Students from overseas countries should obtain information on scholarships from the Ministry of Education of their own country or from a representative of the British Council if one is available locally .
7 ‘ One reason is that linen is an ecologically sound product and nothing is wasted from the plant .
8 SGS-Thomson Microelectronics BV and Mitsubishi Electric Corp duly announced their agreement to work together on development of Flash memory chips , designing 16M-bit parts using a 0.5 micron CMOS process : the agreement is considered to be of equal value to both companies , so no financial compensation will be made by either ; SGS-Thomson has begun production of 1M Flash memories but no-one is doing 16Ms yet .
9 request or a direct request that something is changed , then it
10 They were very popular patients and everyone is delighted to see them back .
11 the cinema has been erm provided with a a proper manager that everyone is now happy with .
12 I was worried about that and er I think that 's because it 's a German system and everyone is assumed to be over six feet anyway or six feet wide or something .
13 First , when you 're told from every conceivable angle that something is , in itself , dangerous you can be lulled into thinking the very opposite .
14 He added : ‘ What I want is a country of real opportunity where everyone is free to choose .
15 I do n't suggest that this is a very crucial question and everyone is really free to use the gun he prefers since they will all do the job .
16 On April 3 the Front of Socialist Forces ( FFS ) led by Hocine Aït Ahmed announced that it would boycott the June elections , which it described as " a real farce because everything is done in accordance with FLN interests " .
17 The way people talk over here is pure poetry and nobody is really using that in songs so I thought I 'd have a go . ’
18 The well known combination of pork and pineapple has tremendous possibilities but none is better than pineapple grilled or fried with a little butter to serve with bacon and eggs .
19 We are all aware of the manipulating that is occuring in the creation of the new ‘ Greedy League ’ , but there is no visible sign that anybody is looking beyond the ‘ big boys ’ .
20 And Coun Bill Dixon , chairman of the Labour council 's Housing Committee , has warned that the authority would think twice about any future developments unless something is done .
21 We were now face to face with this man of diverse talent — poet , novelist , song-writer , performer — after following his career for nearly two decades , reading his books , playing his records , watching him sing , reading of him through the eyes of his critics — no easy feat when one is not inhibited by astigmatism !
22 So one of those is real cheese and one is cream cheese .
23 The mere fact that something is sold as a bulk product to a specification need not , in itself , decide that one should move out of it .
24 We have a get rich quick philosophy where everything is geared to maximum profits .
25 High-sounding jargon or pointless platitudes cut little ice when one is alert to the actual message being conveyed .
26 He 's the Australian attache or something is n't he ?
27 Now if you look at the test statistics there there are two versions of test statistics , one is an asymptotic version , right , assuming that we 've got an incredibly large sample and one is the small sample , that 's the , that 's the L M version .
28 One does n't want them to sort of follow it blindly , of course , one wants them to discuss it carefully , very carefully , but it has to sort of fit into the ongoing life of the institution and not be a kind of little game that someone is playing on their own somewhere because they happen to be linked with the university or doing a degree or something .
29 It is impossible to have a proper exchange of views of the kind which is essential for the true functioning of a parliamentary democracy if everybody is wearing headphones .
30 It is a happy , friendly house , with a relaxed atmosphere where one is pleasantly greeted with a refreshing cup of tea and home-made biscuits .
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