Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [indef pn] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 To be sure , we have all moved on since films directed by Hitchcock were unravelled in the search for strands of ‘ Catholic guilt ’ , but equally I still teach gay students who find it genuinely empowering to learn of the homosexuality of a cultural figure as one contributing factor to the work that he/she produced .
2 A bullet-proof glass screen sealed the public gallery and everyone entering the building was subjected to a body search .
3 Those old Andy Hardy movies always seemed to have a scene where a bunch of American teenagers would be sitting around in an old barn or something wondering where to stage their amateur dramatics .
4 In particular , an organization that is given a task that is controversial and unpopular in many quarters , such as an organization charged to promote racial and sexual equality or one providing help to a stigmatized group such as vagrant alcoholics , may find that it is given an unclear mandate and is placed in a position in which it finds it hard to acquire ‘ legitimacy ’ for its activities .
5 For once I was not travelling along a public road and here I was thinking about falling and having a broken ankle and nobody knowing to look for me .
6 This thing he was putting himself in for was not ordinary athletics , but a curious hybrid of a sport which , it seemed to Jazz now , was so peculiarly rooted in the old British tradition that anyone pretending to come into it wearing a bloody turban was going to stick out like a clown in a gathering of clerics .
7 More intimate and relaxed than synagogue services — whoever felt inclined could take it on himself to lead the responses — these minyanim were held in the front rooms of the tiny houses and anyone passing along the street at the time would be assailed by a chorus of incantations like the sound of bees swarming in a hive .
8 It hardly matters what you are angry about , so long as you convey clearly the message that you are on the point of a serious psychotic meltdown and anyone getting in your way is liable to be no more than a bag of pimply skin and bone shards lying in a pool of blood within seconds .
9 Next door , through the partition wall , some shouts were audible , so muffled it was impossible to tell whether it was a violent assault or someone asking for his bath to be turned off .
10 Great Central stress that anyone wishing to use the facilities MUST be in possession of a ticket for the journey to Leicester and day rovers , platform tickets and lineside permits will not be valid after 6 p.m .
11 Any other behaviour , such as suggesting a game of cards , would surprise and confuse us , as it would not conform to our notion of the appropriate role that someone occupying the status of doctor should perform .
12 It differs from most kouroi in having the right foot forward and the arms raised from the elbow , something ( probably a bow ) grasped in the left fist and something lying on the open right palm .
13 I came to the rapid conclusion that anyone tackling it must be either incredibly brave , extremely stupid — or both !
14 It 's nothing but screaming and colossal explosions and everything shaking and you keep thinking the next one is going to hit you , and you pray for it to stop , and it goes on , and on , and on .
15 He suggested that it would be good for the morale of the trapped men if someone wearing breathing apparatus joined them and showed willingness to stay and share their predicament .
16 Despite Labour 's dogged insistence that anyone earning more than £21,060 per annum was ‘ rich ’ , millions looked at their family budget and saw it was not so .
17 Despite its sad little economies , Safdarjung 's tomb exudes the flavour of an age not so much decaying miserably into impoverished anonymity as one whoring and drinking itself into extinction .
18 I have it on good authority that someone living at Hempnall became very enamoured of a stray mink she found outside her house .
19 This could either be flat rate or one taking into account the risk associated with different types of lending .
20 If it had to finance that by raising its own taxes , Scotland might become a socialist state along Albanian lines with high taxes , centralised planning and everyone living in council houses and enjoying the beauties of the socialist system in its most untrammelled form .
21 In Aspinall v Sterling Mansell Ltd [ 1981 ] 3 All ER 866 it was said that there is a difference in kind between an ordinary medical examination and one involving experimenting or a diagnostic procedure .
22 She felt a momentary triumph and something approaching relief , as if Amy had at last consented to communicate with the world .
23 Amanda had started massaging his shoulders ; he 'd closed his eyes and imagined a hot sun and someone rubbing oil on his back , and then she 'd slipped off the bed and had gone to have a bath with the other complimentary packet of foam .
24 One turned it into a front room and one going down , and two in the alley on the left hand side , one in the alley on the right hand side .
25 as if conforming to some prearranged ceremony they grouped themselves into a semicircle with Alex Mair a little to the front , like a formal welcoming party but one bracing itself for trouble rather than expecting pleasure from the approaching guest .
26 It was strange , at first , with all the red buses and everybody speaking English .
27 Well if you 've got a big bill or something hanging over your head , that will send you quite erm into the dumps .
28 A reader " trained " in reading according to conventional interpretation ( by means , typically , of an English degree in an institution of higher education ) would probably be more disposed towards resolving invisible metaphors than someone reading simply to pass away a boring train journey .
29 Customs have set new guidelines and anyone bringing in more will be asked to confirm that their goods are not for reselling .
30 It is only in recent decades that anything resembling this framework has been re-established .
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