Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 At the fall of France , Donald Caskie had refused a place on the last boat home and instead had gone south where , working from the Seamen 's Mission in Marseilles , he had hidden hundreds of allied servicemen and helped them to escape over the Pyrenees into Spain .
2 He therefore consulted the defendant sellers of agricultural products and asked them to recommend a herbicide that could be used later than usual .
3 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
4 They had removed their tall hats and placed them on their knees .
5 However , make sure you have recovered all of the stolen objects and returned them to their curators .
6 Carefully he inserted his gloved fingers beneath the frontal lobes and lifted them up .
7 As Floy and Snodgrass watched in silence , the Elms stretched out their hard , lichen-crusted branches and brought them down on the prisoner 's shoulders and thighs , at the place where the skin had started to tear .
8 Had clear rules and made them explicit
9 The two grand old men of Arcueil , and , and the entire cult of French physics that surrounded them are entertainingly dissected through the period when French physics moved from uncompromising support of newtonianism to its near rejection with the wave theory of light .
10 All the same , she badly needed some air and solitude , so she stepped out to the veranda , closed the door silently behind her , slipped off her high heels and held them in one hand , then padded on silent stockinged feet down the back stairs and into the garden .
11 Later , the Chairman , Mr David Davies , met with all the course members in the Royston Sports and Social Club and addressed them , together with others from the Royston site , at the course buffet dinner in the Royston Training Centre .
12 The city , he continues , was a ‘ sign of capital ’ ; it ‘ took up and eviscerated the varieties of social practice and gave them back with ventriloqual precision ’ .
13 The Campbell removed his broken spectacles and slipped them into his pocket .
14 I divested myself of all my own French honours and laid them in my elder son 's lap on condition he should be content to be French , as I had discovered I was English .
15 The experts have only to accept that the joint sessions also used groups of models kitted-out for each occasion by Rembrandt from his well stocked theatrical wardrobe and used them for painting as well as for drawing , to come to realize that their efforts over the last seventy years have been largely misdirected .
16 Florence Ames took off her old shoes and left them on the step .
17 He compiled the first useful tables of travel times of seismic phases and used them to show that wave speeds increase smoothly with depth , up to a point where they suffer a sharp decrease , which he identified with the boundary of a central core ‘ possessing radically different physical properties ’ , though he did not conclude that the core was liquid .
18 At the bottom of the companionway she struggled out of the wet oilskins and dropped them on the floor in a heap .
19 I pulled down my damp bloomers and changed them for a warm , dry pair that were hanging on the line over the fire .
20 Frank Capps of Pathé made some additional unauthorized pressings and sent them to Louis Sterling of Columbia in London .
21 The French struggled for nearly sixty minutes against a generous but raw Romania , ran riot against a Fijian side well below par and short of the menacing inspiration that made them a fearsome proposal in 1987 , while the game against Canada exposed the shortcomings that England later exploited with relish .
22 The author , Jane Pettigrew , has taken traditional recipes from Trust properties all over the British Isles and combined them with a fascinating account of the development of tea-drinking in this country , ever since Catharine of Braganza brought over a tea chest from Portugal as part of her dowry on her marriage to Charles II .
23 Isabel pulled her hands out of a wooden bucket of sudsy water and dried them on her gown .
24 Schaffer stepped down from the railed entranceway and watched them going .
25 His attitude was , however , coloured by a highly literary romanticism , and despite his efforts at identifying himself with a primitive culture , his outlook naturally remained that of a sophisticated European ; he borrowed freely from primitive sources but reinterpreted them to suit his own decorative and symbolic purposes .
26 We built roads and villages and brought rubber trees and planted them for mile after mile through your wild land .
27 And erm and then we went and got my fruit and veg and then we went in Top Marks and got them so we never got we went through for a video really , never got round to looking for a video did we ?
28 Nogai gave them fresh orders and sent them away again .
29 Catherine 's anger was also aroused when a photographer took pictures of her topless on the French Riviera and sold them on to a men 's magazine .
30 Whether , for instance , concepts such as ‘ ethnicity ’ , ‘ class ’ , ‘ politics ’ are ‘ culture-free ’ , that is whether academics have succeeded in freeing them from their narrow everyday cultural uses and made them available for cross-cultural use , is a question of judgement and , ultimately , of ontology .
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