Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Every practising barrister knows before which judges he would prefer not to appear in a political case because he believes , and his colleagues at the bar believe , that certain judges are much more likely than others to be biased against certain groups , like demonstrators or students , or certain kinds of action , like occupations of property by trade unionists or the homeless .
2 Her hand strayed to touch his short thick hair , a small yelp of surprise escaping her as her wrist was grasped by strong fingers and she found herself looking down into alert blue eyes .
3 I suggested to RCA in America that instead of going the normal route that they try makin' a classy but inexpensive TV ad and get it on during shows like The David Letterman Show .
4 Shadows and sunlight race about inside the confined cockpit while reflections of white and blue chase one another across the mirror-shiny canopy as we describe the laziest of barrel rolls .
5 sorry If we get one of the main problems that I find is that , I 've already said , is that people produce short-term programmes and they get issued .
6 We 'll probably find out in due course but it has been a disappointment .
7 They weighed up the prospect of knocking on the door and members of the jury , you have to consider in due course whether they got that act right .
8 We still cherished the idea of putting together a ‘ counterblast ’ ; but I perceived in due course that we had begun to differ regarding the objective to be demolished .
9 She made some weak excuse when she telephoned to break the appointment , but she knew perfectly well that she was apprehensive about going out in case the weather changed and it began to rain .
10 This ‘ instinctive revulsion from regulation ’ is the foundation of his libertarian heritage and it gives rise to a particular vision of how broadcasting should develop and what its purposes should be .
11 But I always knew you were fiercely independent and I knew how you 'd react to my eternal presence if you realised I was there as a self-appointed bodyguard . ’
12 Antoine might have been blind on all normal frequencies but he knew how to assemble his do-it-yourself rig by touch and she marvelled at his deftness .
13 NOT CONTENT with Physics or Maths homework 25 years ago , a group of young men wanted something more than the usual pastime so they built a railway .
14 But ultimately , at that stage , the expectation is that they will say , well the bulk of the D S S monies have now been transferred to local authorities , and can safely be distributed through the normal standard spending assessment distribution , and the revenue support grant for local authorities , so at that stage you will cease to have any specific grant and one assumes that the conditions about where you spend it and how you spend it will also have been removed .
15 Where directorate systems work well , there seems to be an increase in staff morale and greater co-operation between professional groups as they cohere around an integrated programme of patient care .
16 Etched into Kinder Scout 's northern flanks , the clough provides pleasant rock-hopping as it twists and turns upwards until you enter a fine , hidden amphitheatre which gives good scrambling up rocky steps .
17 Phil got up from the bed abruptly and turned away with an awkward gesture — his usual response when he felt insulted .
18 ‘ In Germany there is more emphasis on technical skills and I learned bricklaying while completing my education .
19 and it immediately dies down and then it 's okay , but there was this tremendous roar and a loud click and it went out .
20 We begin the discussion with regional policies for they have featured more prominently in government initiatives than labour mobility programmes , both as regards expenditure and public debate .
21 It was a strange coincidence that he made his final sailing to America on the day that his closest friend , Mr Huddlestone , was buried .
22 ‘ We 're going in the right direction but I do n't know where the piste has got to . ’
23 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
24 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
25 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
26 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
27 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
28 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
29 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
30 Our manager will give personal attention to your enquiry and point you in the right direction if you wish to take the matter further .
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