Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [be] come from " in BNC.

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1 Sources of financial support for residents in private homes Date Private means Local authority Health board DHSS 1985 65.6% 9.1% 0.6% 26.8% 1987 50.7% 1.2% 0.0% 48.1% Increase in funding for people in private homes is coming from DHSS .
2 Where the old badger is coming from Bill Morrison 's motto in life is ‘ never volunteer , never refuse ’ , a policy which has landed him in some of the hottest seats in the profession , as he tells Julia Irvine
3 His policy , he says , is to outwit the snipers by biding his time : ‘ Aye , that 's where the old badger is coming from .
4 It 's really a question of knowing where the raw materials are coming from , where the product comes from and what the conditions are like there , but , of course it 's all very well saying it 's a question of what but er how many people involved are going to know that ?
5 Where Raw Stylus are coming from is that area where much of the best British music is currently being produced : the vibrant vibrazone where jazz and soul tunes collide with a hard hip hop feel .
6 John is convinced that most of the houses ghostly happenings are come from one place ; the so-called Bishop 's bedroom .
7 He contends that today the dynamism which is bringing new life to the English language is coming from the periphery , not the centre .
8 What the vice-chancellors are asking , very simply , is where the necessary additional funds are to come from .
9 Extra revenue was to come from higher telephone and unemployment insurance charges , but the cost of unification was still expected to increase the public-sector deficit above the DM140,000 million ( approximately US$94 , 580 million ) projected in December 1990 [ see p. 37904 ; for end-January rise in Federal Bank discount rate see p. 37978 ] .
10 Her chief satisfaction was to come from the friends she later made from the worlds of music , art and literature .
11 The attack on the sovereignty of national governments is coming from at least two directions .
12 At present the most promising approaches are coming from network models , but they are in their very early stages and the day of a convincing object recognition network is still some way off .
13 What is needed , is to increase public investment in public transport and there is n't any increased public investment , the increased investment is coming from higher fares and the private sector , and slashed the road building programme .
14 You knew the great winter was coming from the north .
15 Very intimate sounds were coming from the cubicles , but it was n't until the girl who had beckoned her earlier on came out of one of them and pointed to another where the door was open , and whispered harshly , ‘ Do n't you want to go ? ’ that she realised , Yes ; yes , she did want to go .
16 Black smoke was coming from one of the high chimneys of the main building .
17 Initial support is coming from Accelr8 Technology Inc , Elan Computer Corp , Frame Technology Corp , Hunter Systems Inc , Lotus Development Corp , Oracle Corp , Objectivity Inc , Pure Software Inc , Quorum Software Systems Inc , SAS Institute Inc and Unidata Inc .
18 Soon , a series of unexpected statements were coming from Government spokesmen .
19 After she and John had done so much to guard against the enemy without , the fatal wound was to come from the friend within .
20 Barbara insisted that in keeping with the period the only light was to come from the candles , which flickered romantically from the walls and the three Bohemian crystal chandeliers on the ceiling .
21 The perfume that had breathed sweetness over the cool stream was coming from the delicious brown girl .
22 Every living thing was to come from a seed or an egg .
23 Aid for the Southern Front was coming from ‘ private patriotic Americans ’ , or ‘ the good Americans ’ , some of whom , on giving more than $100,000 , received a mahogany box with the Stars and Stripes folded inside it .
24 It does n't matter what you 're up against , who 's being unfair or where the financial and emotional pressure is coming from this week .
25 It was a long time before his sobs subsided , and by then other , less ugly sounds were coming from the room downstairs .
26 Rose and Rudé did , however , establish the essential forms and functions of the food riot , and the next outstanding contribution was to come from E.P .
27 A rumbling sound was coming from somewhere near .
28 She did n't have to wonder where such reckless courage was coming from .
29 Yet other messages were coming from elsewhere .
30 This is where most of the best new writing is coming from .
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