Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The essence of the British suggestion was that the time had come to rationalise the proliferation of European institutions that had sprung up over the past decade , most specifically by introducing a single European assembly which , unrelated to any one organisation , would serve them all .
2 The agricultural base that had offered wealth and apparent stability to Sussex life was steadily weakened in the course of the eighteenth century .
3 Erm you know , almost you have to go too far or to go such er an extent it would be erm and the force simply to erm stop counter-revolution and , and to overthrow all , you know , deep seated authorities that had lasted thousands of years , I mean to , to overcome that you do need a revolution .
4 Ministers were selected mainly from the ruling National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development ( MRND — until June 1991 the National Revolutionary Movement for Development ) , with one from the Christian Democratic Party ( PDC ) ; both parties had announced their working programmes and had listed members .
5 Hodge came from rural Illinois and had climbed the military hierarchy without the prestige of having served at West Point .
6 The CCP document alleged that the two illegal organisations had held meetings in private homes and had drafted , painted and distributed ‘ illegal propaganda ’ which referred to the ‘ unification and survival of the Mongol nationality ’ .
7 But the amount of money we received would have been so little that we thought it would be far more useful if instead I could be given a job in one of the innumerable Allied offices that had sprung up everywhere .
8 US State Department official Margaret Tutwiler stated on March 5 that the US government had insisted for more than a month on a public inquiry into the current political violence and had offered technical assistance in its investigations .
9 On May 11 the Finance and Planning Minister Saifur Rahman said that the cyclone had cost the country US$3,000 million in economic losses and had rendered 4,000,000 people homeless .
10 You know it seemed to be that we had a working rule that had functioned reasonably well over the years and all of a sudden he was tearing up various paragraphs that did n't suit him , and altering bits you know and changing them round just to suit the company , and all to our disadvantage .
11 The time to consider whether one wishes to opt out and whether one was opposed to a certain system is always when a decision has been made , but I 'd have thought it would have been far in the interests of the people of Banbury and the children and parents of Banbury if they 'd taken full advantage of the discussion on the tertiary college and had made their opinions known , and in the light of the results coming out and say a satisfactory decision had arisen that was frankly the time to get into the business of opting out .
12 The results of the survey were published in the spring of 1988 : the views expressed in it naturally reflected the fact that the Action Plan 's implementation had been done at almost breakneck speed and had required much effort on the part of FE lecturers .
13 Relations with the four hundred or so different acts that had passed through the company had been , for the most part , harmonious .
14 Prof Sargent , head of the school of natural sciences at Stirling , said yesterday the Odones had defied much scepticism from medical and scientific experts and had beaten seemingly impossible odds to find a treatment which had kept Lorenzo alive .
15 He even embellished the story in a flood of fluent German , explaining that they had captured the British truck and had had a hard time of it at the front .
16 The farmer whose land they had been riding on had looked up his old racing programmes and had found the Newbury card listing the horse he said Bones reminded him of .
17 On reaching Arcady , he 'd attempted to call Zambia 's old apartment and had explained himself to the woman who now lived there .
18 Some flew to the wrong field and had to telephone around before they heard about Rosières and took off again .
19 Two attackers entered the British base and had set detonators on the bombs before they were discovered by a 64-year-old German maintenance worker .
20 Very quickly , Polanski and Nicholson became darlings of the west coast film and rock-music communities , who were also selecting the new heroes of the screen — anti-heroes in fact — because it was old values that had kept those handsome , pristine hulks of the last generation at the top and old values were now strictly taboo amongst the young and trendy .
21 His eyes , in their now puffy setting , came back to her , and there was a trace at last of the old look that had warmed her all those years ago .
22 In return Israel had freed 91 Lebanese prisoners and had returned nine bodies .
23 The contemplation of God 's works could be a constructive diversion from the unhappy doctrinal disputes that had torn Christianity apart since the Reformation .
24 Although the proceedings reinforced Castro 's dominance of the PCC , some decisions ratified by the congress , in particular accepting direct election of all delegates to the National Assembly of People 's Powers , were interpreted as signs that he had either made tactical concessions or had recognized the need for gradual change .
25 By 1991 , the IWC scientific committee had developed a revised management procedure ( RMP ) to provide adequate safeguards and had estimated the population of Antarctic minke whale at 760,000 , well above the number needed to resume commercial whaling ( see Nature 357 , 532 ; 1992 ) .
26 Time and again those brought to trial reveal proper trades and had completed apprenticeships .
27 He would receive two-dimensional light signals that had travelled within the surface and he would not be directly aware of any curvature .
28 But Arsenal began to display some of the tidy , organised football that had brought them four consecutive victories and they were rewarded with a superb equaliser 16 minutes from time when Campbell latched onto Martin Keown 's long pass , ghosted past two defenders and hammered the ball home .
29 After serving as US permanent representative at the UN , Young had spent two terms as mayor of Atlanta , an eight-year period during which the city had been transformed into a magnet for domestic and foreign investment and had become a symbol of the " New South " .
30 By 1963 de Gaulle was securely in power as French President and had settled his most pressing original problem , the colonial war in Algeria .
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