Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] make [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gohlke tells a more subtle story than made the early headlines .
2 The American palm swift also produces a sticky saliva but makes no attempt to gather anything as substantial as twigs .
3 She used this power to pay off some political debts and to make a political statement by appointing Alison Walton Leland , a Houston stockbroker who is widow of a much-liked congressman , Mickey Leland , to the Texas A&M University board .
4 One can identify the bulk , calculate the total loss and make the buyer bear a proportion according to his share of the bulk .
5 The main part , however , is concerned with detailing a political programme that makes a pitch both for self-interest as well as a concern for others .
6 The trouble is that anything you do , no matter what , will nearly always increase the muscular tension and make the situation worse .
7 Security manager Kenneth Gillespie , 46 , of The Slades , Basildon , was convicted of attempted murder and making a threat to kill .
8 In any subject device , it is necessary to distinguish between syntactic and semantic relationships and to make a different kind of provision for each .
9 Another is from the English department and makes a fairly predictable case for enhancing the fiction provision in order to " encourage the reading habit and to extend reading for pleasure … "
10 You can either work it to be doubled over to the wrong side or make a matching strip of plain knitting as a facing .
11 The result of such stringency is a vetting of would-be candidates that makes the post of Pope look like slumming .
12 The committee recognised that both ‘ f ’ and ‘ ph ’ spellings were widely used in English texts and made no specific recommendation .
13 The Geneva report discusses the problems involved in public accountability but makes no recommendations .
14 They should be shown how to put together material from a number of different sources and to make a synthesis .
15 There is a unique sort of timeless attraction that makes the future seem unimportant .
16 He has been an outspoken critic of the Squash Rackets Association 's economic stringency at this unsponsored event and made an official complaint about Friday 's referee , Ed Johnson .
17 It was a real Fanny-by-gaslight relic of the old city , redolent of gin and vomit and brutal crimes , and the fog had crept in like an old friend and made a dripping urinal of the walls .
18 In doing so he might find himself in the company of evolutionary epistemologists such as Riedl ( 1979 ) , whose over-arching theory of life as an ‘ erkenntnisgewinnender prozess ’ seems to require a unitary notion of knowledge or information , information that can be stored in a genome at one end of the evolutionary spectrum , as well as be expressed , at the other end , by scientific theories that make the world a less strange place to live in .
19 King ( 1984 ) continues with the assumption that decisions reflect the demand of the median voter and makes no allowance for governmental failure .
20 It also remains to be seen whether better preretirement and health education programmes will play a part in helping people prepare constructively for old age and to make a realistic appraisal of the matters which are and will be of greater importance to them than sea air .
21 It says it aims to clarify the story a doubtful claim and to make a strong theatrical impact , which I am sure this production will do .
22 Coming out of our back door and making a frozen spread across the pith , came trickling water .
23 Prom there he was to work up his cover as a rubber man and make the contacts that would get him into Germany .
24 I ca n't stand and gossip with Dadda 's old cousin and make a fruit cake from Mammy 's recipe .
25 • Distributing sample menus and information to local B&Bs not offering evening meals ; inviting owners for a free meal and making a special offer for guests .
26 Even the most efficient switchboard operator will at times dial a wrong number or make an incorrect connection , but this should never cause impatience or anger , the error should be corrected as quickly as possible in a pleasing and charming manner .
27 Neal insisted that the bunker was a " command and control facility " and asserted : " We do n't feel like we attacked the wrong bunker or made a mistake .
28 Where , for example , British Rail wishes to maintain a loss-making rural railway for social reasons , the government attempted to value the divergence between private and social cost and made an explicit subsidy payment to British Rail .
29 He nevertheless adapted well to this new-fangled contraption and made the most excellent coffee on it , of which we drank many cups with him and his family during their visit .
30 The plain fact is that the feeble PC beep , usually allied to a tiny ( and tinny ) speaker is the laughing stock of the computer world — almost every other type of computer has sound capabilities that make the PC more to be pitied than laughed at .
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