Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's quite strange because when you think of teenage mothers you think of Michelle in Eastenders having all those problems and the father running off and everything .
2 I have to say there was one piece information I picked up yesterday asking and we 're talking about the rural areas I think in this discussion , the rural viability , rather then er urban .
3 I think that er that is a question better directed towards the French , possibly my colleagues in the foreign office but my understanding is that the French assembly have indeed er approved ratification er but the French government i is declining er to append the appropriate signatures to it er er until agreement over the erm the parliament building at at Strasbourg is completed erm but my honourable friend I think in true parliamentary form , asks questions to which he already feels he knows pretty well what the answer is and I suspect that my answer squares with what he knows already .
4 Erm there 's tremendous pressures I think for for a mother particularly erm at the early stage in the marriage when she has young children at home .
5 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
6 Er , you will not the first year returns estimated at at ninety odd percent I think for this scheme .
7 In fact as we shall see , witchcraft ( or sorcery ) is generally invoked to explain why misfortunes befall particular victims , whereas how they occur is explained and understood in the prosaic matter-of-fact fashion we think of as being empirically true .
8 There is cause for concern about the muddled way we think about the British ‘ constitution ’ ; there is even greater cause for concern about the political consequences of its nature .
9 Like y'know we we 've mentioned organisational structure I think in the very first lecture er that idea , the idea that you 've got a kind of box at the top labelled president and you 've got two boxes underneath labelled vice president and you 've got y'know one box goes off to sales manager y'know the sort of thing I mean , okay ?
10 She belonged to that great majority of intelligent human beings who think of a book as something with which to beguile the hours of solitude of an evening .
11 Which , you know , Alan and I were saying we were a bit concerned about because he 's doing i such a good job I think on the lobbying , that North Yorkshire are not going to be flavour of the month in terms of ministers or senior civil servants
12 and it would be a good guide I think for people as to whether to have meters or not .
13 A newly elected collegium , it was announced on Sept. 16 , included " competent people who think in a modern way and who have stood the tests of the crisis " , according to a spokesman .
14 And from C P R E's point of view we we would feel that the best way to do that is to is to reconvene if that 's the right word , the forum of Greater York authorities to look in more detail at at each of the sectors and under undertake the the technical comparison I think in a in in a fair and reasonable way which which I do n't think we 've really we 've really achieved during erm three hours of discussion today .
15 He 's an orange belt I think at the moment .
16 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
17 If I take one example as more updated version of Hammett and Chandler , one of the most successful writers I think in financial terms in America since the Second World War has been a man called Kenneth Miller , who writes under the name of Ross Macdonald , and has been turning out for , oh , the best part of thirty years now , novels about a Californian private eye called Lou Archer .
18 The only things I think about are calorie-counting and weighing myself , and making sure that I do n't put on the weight I 've lost , and passing my O levels .
19 erm There is a general concern I think with multiple occupancy that there 's , a whole way of life of East Oxford is changing , and not for the better , and indeed I was part of this when I moved into the area ten years ago .
20 The superficial Limeños who think beyond Lima is Miami and Europe , who talk of the ‘ Indian stain departments ’ and do n't know a campesino is starving — theirs is another unreality .
21 erm , only that sort of rules , probably a big advantage I think of staying in er sixth form is that erm you know the staff , you know the system and it and they know you , erm if you go
22 And there are others , agricultural land , again is a very site specific evaluation I think from this si erm generally .
23 Now that 's the normal way we think about things , and it makes a lot of sense .
24 if I can comment on that Chairman , the erm , the Authority asked for thirty for next month , along with all the other authorities I think in the country , asked for an improvement in the , in the policing the country , and I think people that live in , in Shropshire , and the people that live in other er , parts of the country as well , would have welcomed the increase in the police force this year , but the government decided not to do that .
25 And er that was quite a few years ago , about the conditions and on tea estates , and er er that was partly why we switched mostly to Kenyan tea I think after that .
26 Just there are one or two I mean when we see tall , thin , young people we think of all sorts of interesting medical things , but most of them are completely at all , you see so
27 The other thing I think about is G.P.
28 That was the other thing I think about the Festival programme which I think was a bit embarrassed about is the fact that all that information is in such teeny tiny writing
29 Very frustrating time I think for everybody that last sort of quarter of an hour , nothing really flowing properly , you coming under increasing pressure — difficult time for a goal keeper then ?
30 Frank was a retired boffin I think from British Aerospace .
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