Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] it [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 What different forms does it take in different societies ?
2 English department did it last term .
3 The old lady let it go , and watched Theda hastily tuck it out of sight .
4 The Greeks claim that their black economy is bigger than any other Community country 's , and so in absolute terms they are not quite as badly off as the published statistics make it seem .
5 Gina 's Italian and French ancestry made it come more naturally .
6 Now clench your jaw tight , then on an outward breath let it flop open .
7 The repetitive , uniform appearance of the soldier-like trees made it seem as if the car was scarcely moving , and their silent , gloomy shade gradually eased the tension created inside the Citron by the earlier near-accident .
8 Science had guided the USA in ‘ conquering ’ nature ; so why could not scientific method help it control international society ?
9 Screened from the road by trees and shrubs , the house is substantial but its dirty , sand-brick exterior makes it appear rather bleak and lonely .
10 What popular impact did it have ?
11 The darkening river made it sound hollow .
12 ‘ Friends ! ’ he 'd echoed , his soft Scottish burr making it sound almost mournful , and Harriet had experienced a moment 's sharp guilt .
13 If getting to the last eight of the Scottish Cup makes it look as if I have taken to management like a duck to water , I would be telling lies if I said the job was easy .
14 Only in very strong winds does it pull you completely out of the water .
15 This pillar is Caisteal Liath , the grey castle , highest point on Suilven ; and although Suilven is only a modest 2,399 feet in height , its isolation and stark setting makes it appear much higher , rearing majestically from the surrounding moorlands in solitary splendour .
16 When the promised sprinters were not delivered on time , when the fares increased in proportion to the decline in reliability , when children are stranded because trains have broken down , when Conservative-controlled Suffolk county council subsidises the late night train , and when central Government grant for British Rail goes up , yet the service is still like a lottery , I despaired , I despair , and I will continue to despair until we give individuals , travellers , employees and taxpayers a real incentive to make it work — the freedom to succeed in the private sector .
17 So , although the events leading up to the Civil War made it seem desirable to Hobbes to write De Cive before the completion of De Homine , his finding this possible was not inconsistent with his conception of a three-part ordered system of Elements of Philosophy .
18 On the other , it may bring to light significant features of style which would otherwise have been overlooked , and so lead to further insights ; but only in a limited sense does it provide an objective measurement of style .
19 ‘ And how much of this — er — horticultural poison does it take to kill a human being ? ’ asked Henry , ignoring this last .
20 Clever lighting made it seem airy even though there was little light from the street .
21 c ) If B is pointing at 12 , how many right angles does it have to turn through in turning clockwise to point to 9 ?
22 There might seem to be a number of inherent problems in producing a journal on British Surrealism , namely that the possibility of live interviews will diminish as the first generation of these artists and writers die off in the next few years ; secondly , there seems to be a tendency on the part of those who produce surrealist literature to make it look surrealist , although the rather bitty appearance of the present journal is probably as much to do with its very low budget ( a small grant from the University of London ) as with its artistic affiliations .
23 The basic DOS application is faster , no doubt , but if you want the graphical add-ins you 'll still need plenty of RAM and a fast processor to make it work .
24 Its hard wood helps it resist cold winters , and its thick-skinned grapes are almost impervious to rain , disease and insects .
25 You have to run a tight business to make it work .
26 If you get through that you 've got to give the balloon a good hard squirt to make it burn , and if you do make it burn it goes up with a hell of a whoomph and you 've still got to get away . ’
27 Among problems raising doubts over the ‘ special relationship ’ before Mr Major 's arrival was a claim that Airbus Industrie , the consortium which includes British Aerospace , had received unfair subsidies to help it compete with American aircraft builders .
28 Its brightly coloured bill and large head make it seem a bit top heavy and the small black tail looks out of place in comparison to the bulky body .
29 It is easy to identify , because its obvious colour makes it stand out at once .
30 The government 's aim has always been to attract foreign investment ; only its tactics have changed as the tiny city-state ( 639 sq km ) matures and looks for more sophisticated investors to help it achieve the longed-for ‘ developed nation ’ status by 2030 .
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