Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] over a " in BNC.

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1 In other words , dandy fresh pop grooves over a disco sweet funk grind , which can all be found on ‘ Rollercoaster ’ , their sexy single out this month .
2 Each Europartenariat to date has generated an average of around 3,000 pre-arranged business appointments over a two-day period .
3 Beats per second derived from an observer counting fast-phase eye movements over a 10–20s period .
4 Payment of social security contributions over a given period ‘ entitles ’ the payer to a benefit , ( though only until the law is changed ! ) .
5 To begin with , literacy in general was not , of course , independently invented in Greece , as Goody and Watt recognise : the form of literacy particular to Greece developed from the Semitic writing system over a long period of time .
6 This was how a Florida man described the graffiti with which he defaced a couple of hundred public library books over a three year period between 1977 and 1980 .
7 Notable goldsmithing was also practised under the patronage of Celtic chieftains in the La Tene phase of the pre-Roman Iron Age over a territory extending from Switzerland to Ireland .
8 One little boy stood poised with a transparent plastic hose over a bucket , whose sides supported a rod that formed the axle of a paddle wheel .
9 The fact that there is something quite new and of a different quality means that we will rapidly discard the old and move into the new , just as colour television sets were substituted for black and white , and created a very high growth rate over a period of years .
10 Changes in level of depression associated with different employment histories over a five-year period will be studied .
11 Placed on assessment list : social worker visits over a period of months — discusses adoption , views on bringing up children
12 The Legend of St. Elisabeth ( 1857–62 ) features three pieces from the Oratorio on piano solo : the ‘ Orchestral Introduction ’ sets the atmosphere with a simple devotional melody ; ‘ Crusaders ’ March ’ is a series of contrasting fanfare motives over a vigorously varied key structure , and ‘ Interludium ’ uses first , fifth and eighth note repeated sequences with a tail-end flourish throughout .
13 In April responsibility for funding residential and nursing home care will be transferred from the Department of Social Security to local authority social services departments over a phased period of four years .
14 Similarly , slow learners are allowed to continue their foreign language study over a period of three or four years in order to master one or two levels .
15 Work-shadowing , whereby a student follows a business person during her normal work routines over a period of a few weeks is becoming increasingly commonplace in the UK .
16 If , for example , you take a group of people and give randomly selected individuals within the group increases in income that are a proportion of their existing absolute income size over a succession of periods , a lognormal distribution will result .
17 Strictly , the Beaufort Scale applies to the average wind speed over a 10 minute period .
18 Good examples of activities to maintain motivation are collecting inspiring dieting case histories from slimming magazines ; going out to buy a dress one size smaller than your present size ; looking at charts and graphs that show good overall weight loss over a period of time .
19 If that 's the case , then we could argue , an and will do , that now is a good time to borrow on a fixed term basis over a long period .
20 In parallel , and in the shorter-term , acceptance will still be possible for those over 30 years of age with appropriate and verified management experience over a period of at least five years .
21 Warwick Collins points out that the keel design not only has a distinct draught advantage over a fin keel , but also claims that it helps to damp any pitching motion in a seaway .
22 So we can write Nominal interest rate = Real interest rate + Expected inflation rate In practice , it is not possible to observe the expected rate of inflation so , for simplicity , the real interest rate is often defined as the nominal interest rate minus the actual inflation rate over a relevant period .
23 At 0830 h , after an overnight fast ( from 2200 h on the evening before the test ) each subject ingested 200 ml water containing 10 g lactulose ( Duphalac-Duphar , Holland ) , 20 g dextrose , 40 mBQ 9 9 m Tc-sulphur colloid and 50 radio-opaque plastic markers over a period of 2 minutes .
24 Furthermore it can be shown ( Acarnley , et al , 1979 ) that motors with higher stack numbers have no real performance advantages over a three-stack motor .
25 Mr Kinnock 's own union , the 1.1 million-strong Transport and General Workers ' Union , yesterday confirmed that it is to sue Mr Paddy Ashdown and six other Liberal Democrat leaders over a claim in a party newspaper that the T&G had advised members in 29 key marginals to vote Liberal Democrat rather than Labour .
26 Near this is Les Barouilles ( 6a ) whose crux is a thuggish jamming crack over a bulge .
27 We have a convoy ! ’ yelled the UN official Larry Hollingworth over a radio link from Srebrenica to Sarajevo as the vehicles arrived with the commander of UN troops in Bosnia , Gen Philippe Morillon , at their head .
28 With an unsecured Home Improvement Loan you can borrow between £500 and £7,500 at a fixed interest rate over a flexible period , so you know exactly how much you 'll be paying each month .
29 Melt the 75g/oz unsalted butter in a large frying pan over a moderate heat .
30 Cos even National Savings cycle over a five year period , and what you want to achieve is money coming back into your hands regularly over that period so you can take another look at what you 're doing .
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