Example sentences of "wake up [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As expected , the ducks woke up squawking , flapping their wings , scattering every-which-way .
2 I woke up screaming with terror and distress , and told my mother of the dream .
3 Except , that is , on the day when he woke up roaring — and kept on roaring .
4 When you woke up frightened there ?
5 Maggie woke up imagining it to be morning , only to discover it was still dark .
6 I always woke up hating him for not turning round of his own accord .
7 Woke up struggling to say my name but somehow unable to .
8 I , I woke up go on !
9 All I do know for sure is that I woke up loving him .
10 And she woke up refusing her muesli .
11 She made me coffee , gave me hugs , and at one point I fell asleep , and was at peace for a while , and woke up sprawled on the floor , my head on her lap , one gentle hand stroking my head .
12 A thud of chopping — movement between the tree trunks — a labourer was coming towards him , one of the consignment of convicts he had ordered through a merchant in Bideford , he had his machete in his hand , he was not menacing , he held out his spare hand in a strange appeal , lifting his face , which was crossed by deep scars , wounds across his eyes had puckered them right in so that he moved like a blind sleeper , closer and closer — Sir John woke up sweating , surprised to find himself alone , and then remembered : he had been drinking with his cousin Alexander Menzies of Bolfracks , the last bottle must have sent him under .
13 THAT night Maggie had a dream she had not had for over two years and woke up sweating and anxious , her own cries still ringing in her mind .
14 Maggie woke up to hear the sound of voices , one of which was raised in anger , John 's , she now realized .
15 Woke up to hear bulldozers Rumble
16 ‘ I was alone in a strange villa , and woke up to hear someone prowling round !
17 One day Mr Hurd woke up to find that he was the Foreign Secretary , pinched himself , and found that his first big job was forcibly deporting the boat people in Hong Kong back to Vietnam .
18 Charsky woke up to find his father , vividly present a moment before , vanished from the room .
19 Poor old Beatrice began by wanting to show how self-denying and supportive Ellen Ash was and she messed around looking up every recipe for gooseberry jam and every jaunt to Broadstairs for twenty-five years , can you believe it , and woke up to find that no one wanted self-denial and dedication any more , they wanted proof that Ellen was raging with rebellion and pain and untapped talent .
20 J. was blown off his bicycle by the force of one explosion , while cycling from one aircraft to another , and woke up to find himself in hospital with concussion .
21 And then the church bells began to ring , and she woke up to find it was Christmas morning .
22 At the beginning of our second week in Corfu , I woke up to find a lump beneath my left arm the size of a pigeon 's egg and two smaller ones running into my breast .
23 Finally , on Sunday morning Emerson woke up to find it raining — and Monza is not the track for rain , nor is rain a help to someone on the third row of the grid .
24 TV 's Bill star Nula Conwell had to call in the real police when she woke up to find her home burgled .
25 I slept well after a few pints of Sussex Devil at the local , and woke up to find my caddie famous . ’
26 The year after I joined , I attended the party and drank several pints of a mixture of lager and gin , after which I lost consciousness in the changing rooms ; I woke up to find myself being hit , kicked and pushed down the stairs .
27 He dreamed the actual execution , including his head being separated from his body , and then abruptly woke up to find that his bed headboard had fallen and struck him on the back of the neck in the same place as the guillotine in the dream .
28 Woke up to find the drinking water had frozen .
29 One morning they woke up to find the Blessed Margaret in charge whilst their own leaders resembled very recently decapitated chickens .
30 I woke up to find the doctor lifting me very carefully into my own bed .
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