Example sentences of "disappear from the " in BNC.

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1 I remember watching the television report showing him standing over a map in the local Party headquarters , sweeping his hand across it presumably indicating which areas were to disappear from the face of the earth .
2 Even though Churchill was appointed as one of the presidents of the Movement , it was at this point that British leadership began to disappear from the unity movement .
3 One way of preparing to evade the poll tax is therefore to disappear from the electoral roll .
4 He 's a tough competitor but is tending to disappear from the action too often these days .
5 The exception is not remarkable as H pylori has been reported to disappear from the stomachs of subjects in whom atrophy , with consequent hypochlorrhydria , has supervened as the organism requires acid secreting mucosa to survive .
6 Thus MLF began to disappear from the agenda .
7 As the epidemic progresses , younger cows would be expected to disappear from the pool of infected animals .
8 Eighteen minutes pass and having failed to meet their appointments , the promised trains disappear from the board .
9 An anonymous letter from an opponent of the regime in Franconia , condemning the ‘ puppet show ’ of the Reichstag and claiming ninety per cent of Germans shared his own desire , that Hitler ‘ disappear from the face of the earth as fast as possible ’ , was an absurd exaggeration .
10 If galactosides disappear from the medium , the repressor molecules again stop the synthesis of enzymes .
11 The belemnoids disappear from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous , but some of the group gave rise to living squid-like animals , and so they are not to be regarded as extinct in the same , final way as the ammonoids .
12 Because very young children have this inherent feeling that their parents can do no wrong , should one or other of those adults disappear from the scene for any reason , the child will always think that it is his fault .
13 Printed with a new thermal chromatic invisible ink , the animals and trees actually disappear from the T-shirt when you get hot — just as quickly as they are disappearing from the wild , in fact !
14 Apart from the facts about the different regiments gleaned from the poster on the wall at Lille , I knew no more now than I had as I stood watching England disappear from the back of the ferry .
15 One way of making it more difficult for the Community Charge Registration Officers to trace people will be if they disappear from the electoral register .
16 Words such as privilege and poverty will either change their meaning or disappear from the vocabulary .
17 Defoe met a female lead washer in about 1720 , but as the century progressed they seem to have been steadily replaced by boys so that they disappear from the employment records by 1800 .
18 In the adult colon A , B , H , and Le b disappear from the distal colon but persist in the proximal colon , while Le a is expressed uniformly throughout the colon .
19 These findings indicate that parietal cells disappear from the antrum of the stomach in the third trimester of pregnancy , but this process fails to occur in approximately 20% of the population .
20 Interestingly , this is the period in which parietal cells disappear from the same anatomical site in most subjects .
21 Fires associated with cultivation volatilize 300–700kg nitrogen per ha from vegetation and surface-litter and a further 500–2000 disappear from the surface soils in the next year or two .
22 " Well , " he said , " we think we lose a lot of aircraft , because we have been monitoring quite a — few they just disappear from the radar screen 50 miles off the coast , sometimes more , sometimes halfway across the sea if they are making a dash far Flamborough Head .
23 The majority disappear from the city centre , but the thieves are now targeting villages and other cities , as the number of high perfomance cars available in Oxford drops .
24 Since then , the trams and the Tower have become synonymous with Blackpool , and it is unthinkable that either should disappear from the scene .
25 Only when Mr Trout and his associate , Mr Alan Abel received the accolade of an interview with America 's top television journalist , Walter Cronkite , did SINA disappear from the limelight .
26 That means the famous three feathers , which have been proudly worn by greats of the past , will disappear from the Red Jersey .
27 If the food supply , for example , is so meagre that there is barely enough food to go round , or starvation conditions exist , then obesity will obviously disappear from the community at large .
28 The ice and snow would disappear from the mountains , and as the new plants from the more temperate regions of the south migrated northwards , replacing the arctic plants , these latter would crawl up the now uncovered mountains , and likewise be driven northward to the present arctic shores .
29 I knew I was n't the only victim because I had heard complaints from others ; the fruiterer who saw his apples disappear from the box in front of the shop , the grocer who unwillingly supplied him with free biscuits .
30 River ( 1964 ) affirms that if a response " is not reinforced by a satisfying or rewarding state of affairs , it will tend not to recur and so will gradually disappear from the individual 's repertoire by the process of extinction " .
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