Example sentences of "thousands of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Until recently , it appeared that 300 megabytes was probably the limit of the technology but now magnetic media enthusiasts are talking about gigabytes ( thousands of megabytes ) soon becoming commercially available .
2 The Soviet Union edged closer to this when its delegate at the international human rights conference in Paris this summer said of Wallenberg : ‘ His fate , like that of thousands of others , is unknown , as are the circumstances surrounding it …
3 It was indefensible to keep the latter in jail while thousands of others who had succeeded in escaping had been allowed out to the West , he said .
4 Dai Qing 's whereabouts , like thousands of others arrested since June , are not known .
5 AFTER tearing down one wall , the Germans are busy putting up thousands of others .
6 When a leading international sports lawyer asserts that the procedural elements in this case were similar to those carried out in thousands of others , the manner in which the legal commission poured scorn on their reliability suggests that a major revamp is required .
7 Within a week the big machines had moved in , and that corner of his parish could have been one of thousands of others in modern England — any place , anywhere .
8 He was made to work long hours as a farm labourer and , like thousands of others , he was classed as ‘ Untermensch ’ ( subhuman ) by the soldiers .
9 We were lucky and had survived , unlike so many others we had known and thousands of others all over the world .
10 Every February , like thousands of others artists up and down the country , I have to decide which of my paintings to submit to the Royal Academy ; you are allowed to send in a maximum of three works for which you pay a fee of £9 each .
11 In effect , Carl ( as thousands of others ) was out of work , and at a dead-end .
12 It was that which made his anger so violent : the knowledge that it was not his alone ; that it was shared and felt by thousands upon thousands of others , rich and poor , strong and weak , man and woman , parent and child , all around the world .
13 It 's a familiar quandary : buy an affordable production line bass and live with the fact that you share your new baby with thousands of others , or take the handmade option , pay through the nose and bask in the reflected glory of your instrument 's exclusivity .
14 Thousands of others died each year without telling relatives of their savings , according to some of Britain 's leading financial institutions and businesses .
15 I thought it was a big world , for we were always going to conventions and special meetings where , so it seemed then , there were thousands of others like myself .
16 That experience I and thousands of others would now be denied .
17 Fifty years ago it was n't a disgrace to be poor — it was a shared misfortune with thousands of others .
18 I know that thousands of others have gained their freedom thanks to you .
19 LIKE thousands of others who have suffered from ‘ tranquilliser ’ drugs , Dorothy King wanted to sue the drug company .
20 Thousands of others wed clutching only a photograph of their partner .
21 Now , this boy , and thousands of others like him , can describe their lives , using their own words , through the international publications of the Haiti Information Bureau .
22 Tens of thousands were killed or ‘ disappeared ’ ; thousands of others were displaced or forced into exile as successive military governments sought to eliminate any potential source of political sympathy or logistical support for the armed opposition .
23 Whatever it was her mind had said to her , she answered with , Well , it 's better than thousands of others in the town , and many a one would be glad of it .
24 Now I realize that Amstrad in general and Alan Sugar in particular is n't everybody 's hero , but their realistically priced 1512 pulled me , and doubtless thousands of others , into the previously elitist and prohibitively expensive world of computing .
25 Of course , like thousands of others around the world , I felt I ‘ knew ’ him from the wireless and his writings on the game ; but the training of binoculars on him in the commentary-box at Lord 's or The Oval was the nearest to physical contact .
26 Like thousands of others , he became fixated on the actor Montgomery Clift , going several times to see him in Red River Valley and detecting , accurately , homosexual tendencies behind Clift 's portrayal of the sensitive masculine ideal .
27 And worst of all he carried with him the sense that he had no right to life , no more than hundreds or thousands of others , starting with his family , who had not lived .
28 There were their own two children , and thousands of others , in Dynmouth and everywhere .
29 By the end of June as many as 1,000 people had died in the fighting and thousands of others had been made homeless .
30 The arrest of Advani and of hundreds of thousands of others in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh did little to halt the movement of Hindus to Ayodhya and on Oct. 30 thousands of militants gathered at the disputed site .
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