Example sentences of "sufficient for that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On the question of whether the material which has been made available is sufficient to justify the initiation of a prosecution against Patrick Ryan he ( Mr Barnes ) has come to the clear conclusion that it is not sufficient for that purpose and that a prosecution would not be justified , ’ the statement said .
2 To raise funds for the buildings , it was resolved that ‘ friends of the Institution should be requested to lend money on interest at three per cent per annum — the principal to be repaid as soon as funds of the College were found sufficient for that purpose ’ .
3 During the summer a fleet under Admiral Byng was despatched to keep watch on the Channel ports and early in September it appeared off Le Havre , where , Lord Stair had reported , some seven or eight ships had been hired under a false name and loaded with 10,000 ‘ stand of arms ’ , i.e. muskets and ammunition sufficient for that number of men .
4 It is sufficient for that person to establish that he or she has been prevented to an appreciable extent from enjoying the ordinary comforts of life ; there is no need to establish direct injury to health .
5 ‘ did especially appoint John de Metingham ( then Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas ) and the rest of his fellow justices … that they , according to their discretions , should provide and ordain , from every county , certain attorneys and lawyers , of the best and most apt for their learning and skill , who might do service to his court and people ; and that those so chosen only and no other , should follow his court and transact the affairs therein ; the said King and his council then deeming the number of seven score to be sufficient for that employment ; but it was left to the discretion of the said justices , to add to that number , or diminish , as they should see fit : ’
6 Although changes at the sensory-motor synapse might occur during the habituation of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex , they have not yet been formally shown to be either necessary or sufficient for that behaviour .
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