Example sentences of "shoot [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just a little bit more money they wanted then he shoots off home .
2 Perhaps because I said that even if I returned I should now be shot for desertion .
3 ‘ We think they are being shot for meat when they land in Afghanistan , ’ she said .
4 In many parts of the Asian elephants ' range the slaughter began with the coming of colonial man , who not only shot for sport but also cleared the forest for rubber and other crops and naturally did not want elephants to undo his good work .
5 Of the 50,000 red deer shot annually in Scotland , only 30 per cent are shot for sport and about half of these by paying clients .
6 Since the Tamil insurrection it is almost certain that a number have been shot for food by the ‘ Tigers ’ .
7 They were not shot for joyriding .
8 Merchants who bought food in surplus areas for sale in drought districts were shot for profiteering .
9 It is neither composed of VC holders or aspirants nor of those who in earlier days would have been shot for cowardice .
10 The MP who introduced the bill said many of the men who were shot for cowardice were in fact suffering from shell shock .
11 In a regiment which had two men shot for cowardice , Reg Glen , now a hundred , says those executed did n't deserve dishonour or death .
12 Corporal Harry Farr was shot for cowardice in October nineteen sixteen .
13 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
14 ABOVE : Oswald Parry is third from the left in the back row in this 1931 Palace team group ; BELOW : David Payne shoots for goal in the Palace match at Old Trafford on 11 April 1973 ; OPPOSITE : David celebrates with a Palace fan upon our promotion to Division One on 19 April 1969 .
15 In the late autumn or early winter one or two two-year-old shoots from each ‘ mother ’ vine are buried six to eight inches deep , leaving the one-year-old shoots for production the following year .
17 With no explanation or apology the Piccadilly line train shoots through Leicester Square station without stopping and dumps a grumpy load at Covent Garden .
18 In answer to our persistent questioning , he bravely confessed the truth we had asked for — that Leslie and his men , in spite of the fact that they were wearing uniform , might have been shot as franc-tireurs .
19 As for white-water rafting , where an inflated craft shot between boulders and bounced over foaming rapids , the mere thought was enough to cause an inward quiver of fear .
20 One was shot at Horsham in 1849 , probably in July ; one was shot between Steyning and Henfield about 30 September 1934 ; one was seen at Brighton on 29 April 1951 .
21 Even so , the many pages of dour and strenuous virtuosity are shot through withe frequent flashes of brilliance and in the Larghetto 's brief but haunting decorations Chopin 's character becomes unmistakable .
22 The shrapnel shot through Tom 's steel helmet and lodged in his temple during the epic fighting at Dunkirk .
23 A surge of fury shot through Meryl , swamping her fear of Anthea .
24 The goalkeeper brought down John Hendrie as the winger moved to his right to prepare to shoot for goal after pouncing on a back pass .
25 shot after shot , standing in the foreground
26 Much of the movie was shot after dark , with a half-size replica of the vessel poised to sink into a sea of ruckled black velvet .
27 But Norwich , now a 10-1 title shot after Monday 's derby defeat by Ipswich , have a history of being a ‘ selling club ’ and may find such an instant and profitable reward on their £800,000 investment too good to resist .
29 ‘ Oh yes — get shot of babies and land in the middle of a crowd of boys .
30 Encore Computer Corp , Fort Lauderdale , Florida has persuaded the Gould Inc subsidiary of Nikko Kyodo Co Inc — which wanted to be shot of Encore altogether when it bought Gould , but has had to keep the company in the fold and bankroll it to have a chance of realising any value from it — to increase its revolving credit facility by $20m ; the pact also extends the maturity dates of Encore 's $50m term loan agreement to April 2 1995 , and the $35m increased revolving credit pact to July 3 1994 .
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