Example sentences of "belief that they " in BNC.

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1 So strict were their beliefs that they objected to the church 's Holy Days as they had been selected by men and because , to God , all days were holy and should be celebrated equally .
2 If we are to help managers understand motivation then it is the universal goals , values and beliefs that they need to know about .
3 Having been brought up as patriots , they were benumbed at the thought that there was to be a conflict between their country and all the beliefs that they held dear .
4 The participant orientation finds expression in citizens ' beliefs that they can influence government at both the national and local level .
5 The absence of a non-Roman catholic school in the immediate area and the naïve belief that they were empowered in some way to have a say in what type of school should appear on their housing estate — there was a small Roman catholic school which was to be expanded to cater for the growth of the population — may have sharpened catholic parents ' interest in having an integrated school .
6 ‘ Our boys ’ were being nurtured in the belief that they were the leaders of tomorrow , the ‘ happy few ’ who would one day be running whatever had now taken the place of the Empire .
7 there is a deep feeling that academic training gets between a policeman and his knowing and getting the respect of the crude masses of a very crude , very egalitarian and anti-intellectual European race … the police have indeed a general belief that they know more psychology than academics .
8 — Margaret Thatcher ‘ Although it is uncomfortable , the note which is being sounded is not bad ; it is one of being prepared to take occasionally rough and unpopular decisions in the belief that they will work through successfully . ’
9 For revolutions may occur , but the belief that they will does not of itself ensure a better lived life .
10 The government had concluded ‘ that it is quite wrong that we should build up artificial hopes ’ by allowing boat people to remain in the colony in the belief that they would be resettled .
11 They have shown a stubborn reluctance to take that course so far , which leads to the belief that they have already promised the job elsewhere .
12 Piecemeal approaches to rural development are as inappropriate as is the encouragement of people in the belief that they can have similar services , income levels and amenities to those existing in other areas when policy and local circumstances will never in practice be able to provide them .
13 Leslie had wanted to rejoin his old regiment , presumably in the belief that they would be going on to Sicily and Italy without too much delay .
14 Both purport to change the normative situation of another , and both purport to do so by voluntary acts undertaken in the belief that they have these normative consequences .
15 Acts undertaken for another purpose and not in order to consent can constitute consent if undertaken in the belief that they will confer a right or impose a duty and if the fact that they are undertaken with such a belief is the reason for them having this result .
16 Again , self-reference , albeit of a slightly different character , is essential to the analyses of valid consent and of promising which are acts changing the normative situation because they are undertaken in the belief that they so change the normative situation .
17 In the central sector , the Transjordanians abandoned two large towns , Lydda and Ramla , to their fate , in the belief that they were tactically indefensible .
18 During the 1920s and '30s England pursued an isolationist policy , withdrawing from FIFA , the international controlling body , in 1928 , and basking in the complacent belief that they were still the supreme soccer power .
19 It 's almost beyond belief that they should go as far as to kill three of our own men . ’
20 The origin of the slang term ‘ Beak ’ for Magistrate is also associated with the belief that they had herbs in a horn to protect them from any disease that might be contracted from evil smelling criminals .
21 It is therefore not surprising that he should here stress the psychological aspects of pain and its control rather than the nuts and bolts of nociceptors , unmyelinated afferents , spinothalamic tracts and those splendid phrases designed to send medical students back to sleep in the belief that they now understand pain mechanisms .
22 The belief that they are ‘ allergic ’ to a particular food or environmental chemical makes these patients hyperventilate when they encounter it — breathing more deeply is a natural reaction to fear or anxiety .
23 It would be a mistake to increase the consumption of foods high in polyunsaturates in the belief that they will ‘ do us good ’ .
24 These cogitations are worth quoting in full , as they so accurately reflect , albeit in a more lucid form than that usually encountered , the thinking of those who in the next few decades were to give away the empire in the belief that they were acting to preserve it .
25 Regardless of the wide use of acupuncture and BEM , hard-nosed sceptics still insist that such methods are entirely placebo oriented , in as much as the patient 's belief that they work effects the cure .
26 Quinn 's goals have instilled a renewed belief that they will be involved in the title run-in .
27 If they needed further proof of their belief that they were on the right track , they were given it when they went to arrest Griffiths and were met by a hail of bullets ; after a chase in which Griffiths killed one man and wounded others , he was shot dead while resisting arrest .
28 He got a group of people to administer electric shocks to a group of victims in the belief that they were taking part in an experiment to study the effect of punishment on learning .
29 ARSENAL 'S run to the top of the Premier League confirms my belief that they will wrap up the title for George Graham by Easter .
30 The more obvious uses to which the coin was put , the contexts in which they are found and their distribution has led to a general belief that they were not used as currency in commercial transactions ; rather , they were valued as bullion .
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