Example sentences of "aim at a " in BNC.

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1 But his interest grew as he worked , and he began to aim at a comprehensive expository commentary on Epicurus .
2 It therefore has to aim at a carefully judged angle to the apparent direction if it is going to score a hit .
3 His manager , Simon , who was also Cyril 's elder brother , had persuaded him to lower his sights — or rather to aim at a different and better target .
4 Their membership , mainly middle-class , have met considerable difficulty in trying to achieve their limited goals — integrated schooling for the children of those parents who wish it — though some of the membership in the early days were aiming at a total integration of the schooling system .
5 Train for accuracy , range and control by aiming at a target mitt ( this is not suitable for front kick practice ) .
6 In the past , most plans were sold strictly door-to-door by companies such as Prudential and Pearl , but now companies aiming at a more affluent middle-class market have started to move in .
7 The Pier home style is rustic and affordable , Richards aiming at a holiday feel with wicker , scented candles , ceramics , glass and handmade cushions .
8 We are aiming at a publication date of mid-November this year for the IBM version .
9 He had shot one grouse and was aiming at a second when the first bird hit him in the face at 60mph , flinging him unconscious into the heather .
10 Straight ahead and aiming at a silver moon the tarmac is a dark rich salmon colour , burnt orangey in places and patched with indigo .
11 When a human being does X in order to do Y , the achieving of Y is his reason for doing X. When an animal does X in order to do Y , he does not do X for a reason , even though he is aiming at a goal in doing so .
12 The Americans had originally been aiming at a tenfold multiplication .
13 ‘ We are not aiming at a local audience , but are bearing the EEC in mind , and of course all those who come to the Frankfurt Book Fair at the same time . ’
14 Should we — women and men — be aiming at a common ethical conception , a shared moral perspective ?
15 Airlife have produced a revised edition of the Microlight Flying Manual , that seminal tome by Ron Campbell and John Jones which looks at the aeronautical world strictly from the perspective of pilots who are aiming at a Group D licence .
16 It was unfortunate that , just when he had quelled a great deal of internal disorder and was aiming at a profitable alliance with the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses , he chose as a grand gesture to drive out the English garrison still holding Roxburgh castle , only to be killed when one of his own bombards exploded .
17 Aiming at a very specific readership , they carried shorter articles written in the jargon of the various separate sciences .
18 It also recommended an increase in the numbers of educational psychologists , aiming at a ratio of one per 10,000 children .
19 A government resolution aiming at a solution of the cash crisis , reported on May 15 , included the introduction of non-cash methods of payment exclusively for transactions worth over 10,000 roubles ( 1 rouble=US$0.5646 at the official rate as at May 18 , 1992 ) .
20 It became clear that Iran was still aiming at a battlefield victory , posing specific preconditions for an end to the war : reparations and the removal of Saddam and his entire regime .
21 The ILP leadership , feeling it had a mandate from the Easter Conference , made preparations for a Special Conference at which it would make : a recommendation for disaffiliation , and for the re-organisation of the ILP as an independent Socialist Party with a programme aiming at a decisive change from Capitalism to Socialism .
22 He also called for those hit hardest by VAT rises to be compensated , urged that the wealthy be called on to pay more and warned Chancellor Norman Lamont against aiming at a general tax level of 20p , saying it was ‘ not manageable ’ .
23 He also called for those hit hardest by VAT rises to be compensated , urged the wealthy be called on to pay more and warned Chancellor Norman Lamont against aiming at a general tax level of 20p , saying it was ‘ not manageable ’ .
24 Have you written it totally from a Jewish perspective or are you aiming at a wider cross-section of the population ?
25 Rottweiler breeding aims at a powerful dog , black with well-defined mahogany markings , which despite a massive general appearance is not lacking in nobility and is particularly suitable as a companion , guard dog and working dog .
26 We are all part of an existing culture of education : the ERA aims at a substantial change in that culture .
27 The Hyperion recording is much more recent ( 1986 ) and fully digital , though it aims at a softer more recessed sound picture than the Chandos .
28 Lepine stops at the door of study room C-228 , raises his rifle and aims at a student at the bottom of the room .
29 But in music and poetry which aims at a higher aesthetic we have to avoid the trite effect which can result when words and music are in the same metre and move in identical rhythms .
30 In summary , the research aims at a detailed examination of the policy-making process .
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