Example sentences of "shake out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Usually she enjoyed the tasks of morning but this morning she was grateful above all mornings for the constancy of the small demanding chores : to shake out the fire , scatter the ashes on the grass outside , to feel the stoked fire warm the room .
2 Enough light would spill inwards from the porch as the door closed slowly on its damper , enough at least for him to get to his own door and line up the key ; but when it came to it he hurried too much and was trying to shake out the Yale when the front door put him in darkness .
3 She still had to shake out the sofa cushions .
4 Shake out the excess .
5 Grease a large baking dish , coat with the breadcrumbs and shake out the excess .
6 When I wash the garment I just shake out the water and hang it over a clothes horse or the back of a chair .
7 The cultured , husky voice rises and shakes out an incandescence of brilliant obscenity , of sexual and visceral allusion , the stripped message being that serious work is being interrupted by trivialities which someone else should be dealing with .
8 Recession shakes out the contents of the stately homes of England
9 He shakes out the match and places the spent end on the work surface beside the cooker .
10 He shook out a handful of painkillers — the box was nearly empty .
11 The maid then shook out a large linen table napkin which she placed across the lap of Artemis 's best frock .
12 I shook out a couple of tablets , rolled them about in my hand , and then put them back , cursing Alice heartily .
13 Her cousin shook out a towel and tied it deftly round Ruth 's shoulders , then unpacked her combs , brushes and scissors , laying them out on the dressing-table along with the setting lotion and the curling-tongs .
14 Cadfael straightened out the coarse folds of the hood , and shook out a few pale feathery fragments from among them .
15 Henry unscrewed the top of the brass cylinder and shook out a bundle of sticks on to the table .
16 She settled the loaded tray on Nicandra 's knees and shook out a white napkin .
17 Sophia went back into the house and came out again with a bowl of washing , from which she shook out a large Union Jack .
18 He shook out the handkerchief and stuffed it back in the top pocket of his jacket .
19 He took the sandwich wrapping off the tea-chest and shook out the crumbs before folding it neatly and putting it into his pocket .
20 He shook out the coils , then reached out and clipped a piece from the ear of the largest hound in the pack .
21 She shook out the clothes over the scrub with more alacrity than she had shown at the washing , she was released from her error , she had escaped , just .
22 Tilda , unwatched by the other two , shook out the packets of cereal , at the bottom of which small plastic tanks , machine-guns and images of Elvis had been concealed by the manufacturers .
23 Ranulf knelt beside him , cut open the neck of the bag and shook out the contents into the small pool of lantern light .
24 While he shook out the blanket and brushed down his trousers Ruth turned her pinched face towards the sea .
25 He shook out the blanket that topped the picnic items , and sat , his back against the trunk , those long legs stretched out in front of him .
26 Then she slithered into Lytham with 'em , Shaking out a rhythm with 'em , Wobb-er-ling and jogg-er-ling Her head from side to side .
27 ‘ They do n't make them like that nowadays , ’ he agreed , shaking out a scarlet Victorian ballgown .
28 There have been some impressive cases of increases in productivity , notably British Airways , British Leyland , and British Steel , which have shed workers , but it remains to be seen whether the improvement will be durable or a once-only case of firms shaking out the least efficient workers .
29 As soon as the dew had been burned off the grass , the whole house was in the hayfield , shaking out the heavy tangled lumps of grass the tedder had missed with the fork , raking what was light in from the edges .
30 He paused ; she could hear him shaking out the page .
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