Example sentences of "maybe he could " in BNC.

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1 Maybe he could feign amnesia , or just cut the reading and head for home .
2 Maybe he could not ; but North 's notebooks contain the entry ‘ IF THESE CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE BANANA , THEN ORANGES ARE READY TO PROCEED ’ .
3 It was an old basket , maybe he could make a hole in it .
4 Maybe he could settle down a bit now , quit high school , travel — and write .
5 A man could put his feet up here without fear of being rebuked , and maybe he could even leave things about .
6 Maybe he could wander round to Ed McEd 's a get a brew .
7 ( Another of Sharky 's new routes in Cheedale is the quaintly named Thrash Your Woodie — maybe he could get a job writing Finbar Saunders scripts ! )
8 Maybe he could have got away with it in his native Greek but not in English .
9 ‘ — Maybe he could start the Royal Church of Scotland . ’
10 Maybe he could start thinking like a rational human being instead of a caveman frightened by lightning , ’ Kenneth said tartly .
11 Maybe he could just crash his way through .
12 Anyway , maybe he could say what he felt more easily in a letter .
13 Maybe he could eat the pages .
14 Maybe he could have done something to avert the tragedy …
15 Maybe he could n't get away and , after all , he had been wonderful to her earlier .
16 Maybe he could report Malik to some high-up official in the Islamic world .
17 Maybe he could have had Glastonbury holding the dynamite , ’ said Amiss .
18 Maybe he could hitch a lift .
19 Or maybe he could just ask us what team to pick ; - )
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