Example sentences of "reveal to i " in BNC.

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1 The gesture revealed nothing of that woman 's essence , one could say rather that the woman revealed to me the charm of a gesture .
2 The following case study is unusual because Charlotte ( not her real name ) had not revealed to me the actual reason why she felt the need for aromatherapy .
3 At the time of her conversion , she was sometimes ecstatic with love ; on one occasion she returned home , and was so on fire with love which God had manifested to her that all she could utter was : ‘ O Love , can it be that thou hast called me with so much love , and revealed to me , at one view , what no tongue can describe ? ’ — Von Hugel .
4 Her passion for Jane Austen , of course , had been revealed to me by her own writing .
5 However , this job revealed to me the big , wide , illegal world of the homosexual .
6 MUCH OF THE INTERIOR OF MY FATE AND THAT OF JEAN-Claude 's was revealed to me in the opaque , vaporous interior of la Sologne .
7 I was convinced it would eventually be revealed to me . ’
8 The alternative had been revealed to me ; with magnificent hardihood , I had ventured into the Other Side ; was I to suffer the fate of the two Dutch explorers ?
9 That God will give me a clear vision for the future and reveal to me the next step after DTS .
10 Reveal to me the great secret .
11 ‘ The quiet but fervent agreement of Griffiths and the quick glance of understanding between those two revealed to me my own frivolity .
12 All this was information that Kirsty revealed to me during the course of the regression session while she was under hypnosis .
13 Does this then reveal to me what I am ?
14 I was so much convinced that I should get Roux 's result in all its features , that even in spite of the whole blastula , I now expected the next morning would reveal to me the half-organization of my subject once more ; the gut , I supposed , might come out quite on one side of it , as a half-tube , and the ring of cells might be a half one also .
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