Example sentences of "responsible [prep] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is not disputed , however , that all pregnant women should be immunised against rubella which can be responsible for one in 200 cases of severe mental handicap .
2 Instead , one has to adopt the effective theory that one has free will and that one is responsible for one 's actions .
3 Extra police were called in , and Jane was held responsible for everything .
4 The work of a radio producer is all-embracing ; he is responsible for everything that goes into a broadcast production .
5 As parts of a whole Universe we could be said to be responsible for everything , for we are an active part of an active creation .
6 This underlying cause is the persistently instilled belief that the universe was created by a ‘ god ’ — and this ‘ god ’ is the maker of humanity and must be worshipped , appeased and generally held responsible for everything ; to be credited with , and thanked for all that brings enjoyment , and outrageously excused for all that brings suffering .
7 While he was working for insurance brokers Alexander Howden ( running its 350-strong management services company , which is responsible for everything from staff canteen to computers and the chairman 's Rolls-Royce ) he decided he ‘ wanted to run a company from A-Z .
8 Then he began to change his ground , to slip from real remorse into disguised anger , saying that he should never have trapped me into domesticity , meaning , of course , that I should never have trapped him , and , instead of getting angry underneath — as I had earlier when he was being honest with me — I felt an enormous , trembling sympathy with him and begged him to stop : he was n't , after all , responsible for everything .
9 This has already been illustrated from his dealings with Osbern , but never before when he himself was responsible for everything that happened .
10 The Chief Inspector is , of course , responsible for everything AIB does — the buck stops with him as far as aircraft accident investigation in the UK is concerned .
11 1 In law and in theory , the individual minister was , in effect , the same as the Department : he was responsible for everything that went on in his office ( whether he knew about it or not ) and might be hauled over the coals and forced to resign if Parliament disapproved of his personal acts , the general conduct of his Department , or acts done ( or left undone ) in the name of his departmental officials .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid poor old Nigel was responsible for everything . ’
13 Why do n't we make central government responsible for everything ?
14 You are responsible for everything you borrow until it is back in the library .
15 I 'm generally responsible for everything electrical backstage .
16 However , when the trial judge came to deal with the case against the second appellant , the trial judge directed the jury that it would be open to them to interpret alleged statements by the second appellant as a confession by him that he was one of a group who assaulted the deceased , and that accordingly he would be responsible for everything done by every other member of the group that he knew was being done or was likely to be done .
17 Yet the phenomenon is familiar to us all , particularly when we discover we are responsible for something for which we had blamed others .
18 People are not only responsible for something , they are responsible to God , other individuals , society or themselves , and this latter Kantian notion is derived from the primary social context in which it makes sense for the concept of responsibility to be invoked .
19 He was going to be responsible for something that he did n't know or care the first thing about .
20 What can be so easy as this when the critic has to be responsible for nothing ?
21 You 're legally responsible for nothing , Adam . ’
22 And my elder brother , he had told me the same thing — ‘ Babi , you are not listening to us so we are not responsible for anything . ’
23 No one is personally responsible for anything , so everyone gets away with it .
24 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
25 He 's not responsible for anything now , but my hunch is he knows what 's going on .
26 After all , she was not now responsible for anyone else , so she could throw good sense and caution to the winds .
27 I do not mean decent Conservative values like the Citizen 's Charter or dreaming of the classless city ; I mean authentic Conservative values , like a social hierarchy in which power follows the rich who do not have to answer for their acts to hoi polloi , in which we do not have to feel responsible for anyone 's poverty or ill health , in which we do not have to ask questions about where the rich get their money from , and we can carve up the land to create a sort of apartheid state : each tribe to its own homeland .
28 In the House of Commons , Clement Attlee reiterated that it would be impossible for Britain ‘ to accept the principle that the most vital economic forces of this country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody ’ .
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