Example sentences of "trouble be [that] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that the allegation has begun to seem convincing .
2 The trouble is that I am not a tea-drinker , and so my plants get only the occasional treat when guests visit .
3 The trouble is that I ca n't identify it and ca n't find it in my gardening books or in any of the books at my local library .
4 The trouble is that since Chilcott 's dismissal for punching , players in the county have been on their best behaviour .
5 The trouble is that , today , much of this appears appallingly naive and disgustingly obsequious .
6 The trouble is that in Britain our women are expected to behave like servants , and we are not used to behaving like servants and we ca n't .
7 The trouble is that we do n't see .
8 ‘ The trouble is that there is such a high level of expectancy , ’ she says .
9 ‘ The trouble is that there is such a high level of expectancy , ’ she says .
10 The basic trouble is that the Palestinians ' historic espousal of ‘ moderation ’ has not won its indispensable and commensurate Israeli response .
11 The trouble is that directors involved in buying the company from existing shareholders clearly face a conflict between their own interests ( as buyers ) and their shareholders ' interests ( as sellers ) .
12 The trouble is that nobody knows where the road leads .
13 The trouble is that in economics the likeliest result often fails to turn up .
14 The trouble is that governments have always intervened in energy , usually with a bias in favour of production .
15 Singapore 's trouble is that as soon as its economy starts to grow by more than 6–7% , the labour market tends to get tight .
16 The trouble is that none of the three firms is nearly as Japanese as the owners would like it to be .
17 The trouble is that banks , investment houses and insurers are now in competition with each other .
18 The trouble is that his men have done just as badly as the old guard .
19 The trouble is that the reform-minded Communists are still in bed with barely reformed Stalinists .
20 The trouble is that such verities are no longer enough .
21 The trouble is that tiptoeing is desperately uncomfortable when you are trying to win a war at the same time .
22 The trouble is that no other country is prepared to pay even as much ( ie , little ) as the Russians for surplus EC butter ; much of it would go rancid in the Community 's cold stores .
23 The trouble is that each creditor wants all the other creditors to sign new loan deals , while he keeps his original loan agreement , so that there will be more money , and he gets a bigger slice of it .
24 The trouble is that many other firms want to do the same , so the profits of the business will probably be lower by then .
25 The trouble is that in 1982–90 the yield was not high enough .
26 The trouble is that , after the event , all of these make the situation worse rather than better .
27 But the trouble is that they do not account for anything like all the shares of most firms .
28 The trouble is that the country where the Kurds have fewest rights is Turkey .
29 The trouble is that the levy is an unsatisfactory mechanism for allocating cash .
30 The trouble is that he attracts attention to himself — and today was no exception .
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