Example sentences of "generally [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 It occurs on a much larger scale than generally realised and in most cases the function is unclear . ’
2 Only in the late nineteenth century did these contracts generally disappear and instead the land was sold or let and the old people lived off the cash proceeds .
3 Not only do they believe their own PR , they generally eat and wear it too .
4 In 1955/6 budgets were generally overspent and by a larger margin than in earlier years .
5 Examples from the survey included a teacher who would take underwear catalogues into the class and say things like , ‘ You 'd look nice in this one , Sarah ’ or ‘ This would suit a big girl like you , Emma ’ ; a gym master who would have a quick feel while helping girls over the vaulting horse , and several who were said to ‘ rub up ’ against girls and generally leer and lech .
6 Although it is generally true that increasing age exerts an unfavourable effect on outcome of diseases and medical interventions , this influence is weaker than is generally supposed and is mainly due to age-associated disorders .
7 In fact the unlawfulness of indiscriminate attacks was generally accepted and to a great extent maintained : although London , Coventry , Hamburg and Dresden were bombed , Paris , Rome , Oxford and Edinburgh were not .
8 Comparatively few consultants had directly approached search firms for a job , but this is becoming more the case , especially in the USA , and will become more common as executive search becomes more generally accepted and regarded as an attractive career in its own right .
9 If we call the complex of scientific theories generally accepted and well established at some stage in the history of science the background knowledge of the time , then we can say that a conjecture will be bold if its claims are unlikely in the light of the background knowledge of the time .
10 This was a formidable catalogue of sins , but many of the ideas became generally accepted and to some extent underlay Mr Wilson 's thinking in 1963 when he talked of the Conservatives ' period in power since 1951 as ‘ thirteen wasted years ’ and promised that in the first hundred days of dynamic government after a Labour victory at the polls a new atmosphere would pervade Whitehall .
11 The result was a considerable power struggle , where huge sums of money were spent to protect the many and various positions : the money was used primarily to produce conceptual frameworks for aspects of governmental accounting which would then be generally accepted and would provide the base for future standard-setting .
12 So in the end our work became generally accepted and nowadays nearly everyone assumes that the universe started with a big bang singularity .
13 SCOTVEC recognises that the use of levels to describe vocational qualifications is becoming generally accepted and has therefore decided to adopt a system of levels for SVQs which is analogous to that adopted by NCVQ and NVQs .
14 The completion accounts at the completion date shall be audited by ABC 's existing auditors , [ name ] and prepared on a basis consistent with prior years in so far as these are in accordance with accounting standards and generally accepted and adopted United Kingdom accounting practices for companies carrying on similar businesses save as defined in the purchase and sale agreement .
15 The term ‘ inflammatory fibroid polyp ’ is now generally accepted and is regarded as distinct from eosinophilic gastroenteritis and other conditions with which it had been previously confused .
16 They generally stimulate and acclimatise your child to playing with other children .
17 This day provided an opportunity for participants to be together , to listen to Sister , to share experiences and generally relax and enjoy the peace of the day ( yes , there was plenty of laughter ! ) .
18 In an even more secular society , and one in which the signals of ‘ drama ’ ( meaning now not ‘ presence ’ but ‘ representation ’ ) were more generally organized and familiar , just these once ‘ normal ’ but then prohibited dramatic presentations have reappeared .
19 His classification of organic reagents as anionic and cationic paved the way for the electronic theory of organic reactions , but , as the electronic formulations of ( Sir ) C. K. Ingold [ q.v. ] were simpler , these were generally adopted and Lapworth 's pioneering work was largely forgotten until the late 1940s .
20 He is not badly informed here , perhaps because participants had accompanied Emma to Flanders , and his account generally complements and sometimes extends that of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle .
21 He hoped the Guide would ‘ relieve the traveller from the burthen of those tedious enquiries on the road or at the inns , which generally embarrass and often mislead . ’
22 This was generally agreed and the session was closed and another meeting arranged .
23 The course should inform participants which languages are spoken in the country concerned , if English is generally used and whether a local language needs to be learned for business and/or social communication .
24 Another problem is that when the expatriates return to Britain , the payment of school fees by the employer generally ends and the couple may not be able to afford to keep their children in private education .
25 Once again , it is generally understood and accepted that the weapons prohibited are not limited to those specifically mentioned in this Protocol or any other treaty , but extend to all those that come under this description or have this effect .
26 The business model is generally understood and so should be applied to all organizations .
27 He would generally stop and have a word or two or listen to her .
28 Furthermore the term group was not generally employed and the main interest was in finding the number of formally distinct values a function of n variables takes when the variables were permuted .
29 Thornton 's studies of medieval carving in churches gives a touch of drama to a show in which this quality is generally diluted and all these aspects are overseen by Bridge with Rooftops , a superb blocky composition of highly acceptable and tasteful colour and tone.RAY RUSHTON
30 This , however , is not generally recognised and with the advent of the National Curriculum some have argued that there will be even less scope for innovation .
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