Example sentences of "significant [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 To these we may add a fourth , restoration growth , which is a significant category in areas which have witnessed serious church decline .
2 Markowitz [ 1986 ] investigated the creation of large lexicons for NLP using semantically significant patterns in Webster 's Seventh Collegiate Dictionary ( W7 ) .
3 Private treaty sales such as secured the Holbein would be encouraged by the government , as would the acceptance of significant objects in lieu of tax , whereby inheritance tax or death duties are offset by gifts of works of art to the nation .
4 Laws attempting to regulate corporate activity tend to be excessively vague , consist of ambiguous definitions , and subject to subtle but significant shifts in meanings ; or at least , that is how they can be interpreted , particularly by those desiring to violate them .
5 Having said that , the Arts Council proposes a number of significant shifts in the allocation of funds , in which the trend is to move away from income-support schemes for artists towards what the Council has vaguely described as ‘ upgrading quality ’ .
6 In 1855 , Boy 's Own Magazine appeared , followed by Boy 's Own Paper and Boy 's Penny Magazine , addressed to a new class of boys , and which signalled significant shifts in public attitudes , particularly acting to increase sex segregation and reinforce stereotypes .
7 Particularly in the 1930s significant shifts in popular attitudes affected political postures , and for a variety of reasons there were calls for increased public sector intervention in a range of national economic and social affairs .
8 In the late 1960s and early 1970s there were significant shifts in British local government towards public policy making , during which time the role of the statutory Development Plan was weakening .
9 Although it is anticipated that the initiatives contained in this Plan will have an overall effect in reducing accident casualties across the whole community , it is unlikely that there will be any significant shifts in the disparities between the casualty rates for people living in eligible areas and elsewhere .
10 The social and economic functions of the countryside are undergoing marked change , in response both to significant shifts in agricultural , environmental and planning policies and to increasing demands placed on rural land .
11 A further significant change in political religious attitudes occurred with the liberalization of legislation prohibiting contraceptives to be bought or sold , or even imported into the state .
12 Over the next fifty years , a significant change in policy took place .
13 The really significant change in divorce , in terms of both law and behaviour , has taken place in the twentieth century ; and as Stone devotes only forty of his 422 pages to a consideration of the period after 1857 , he essentially precludes an answer to the question he poses , namely , why divorce has become as common as taxes and death .
14 YESTERDAY 'S endorsement of grant-maintained schools by Peter Smith , the General Secretary of the Assistant Masters ' and Mistresses ' Association , marked a significant change in his union 's attitude towards the Government 's education reforms .
15 Accompanying these changes in the balance of provider roles was a significant change in the kinds of accommodation provided .
16 If such a change occurs at your hotel , you will only be notified if we believe it involves a significant change in facilities or standards .
17 A surface may be counted as any continuous area of material without significant change in direction or angle .
18 The most significant change in the new standard is the inclusion , for the first time ever , of a frost test .
19 This , to me , is the crucial part of Rees 's case , concerning , as it does , the protection of his privacy without any significant change in policy or practice by government .
20 Between 1963 and 1965 the volcano Irazu in Costa Rica was more or less continuously active , with frequent explosions raining ash over a wide area and ruining the all-important coffee crop , but throughout this time no lavas were erupted and there was no significant change in the pattern of the eruption .
21 An unnamed minister ( probably the Lord President , Lord Salisbury ) , in the absence of control on coloured immigration , spoke of ‘ a real danger that over the years there would be a significant change in the racial character of the English people ’ .
22 Another significant change in carp fishing technique has been in surface fishing .
23 The most significant change in this respect is the slowing down in the 1980s of the decline in urban populations compared with the previous decade ( Champion , 1987 ) .
24 When financial devolution was first mooted there was a tendency to divorce it from other considerations , but as suggested in Chapter 1 , the change in title from LFM ( Local Financial Management ) to LMS ( Local Management of Schools ) reflects a significant change in thinking .
25 The most significant change in terms of land use , in recent times , has been the increase in the proportion of urban areas at the expense , principally , of agricultural land .
26 Perhaps the other highly significant change in Sussex agriculture to have affected birds is the more recent and extensive drainage of the important areas of wet permanent pasture in the river valleys and levels , which amount to some 16,000 hectares .
27 Although this species has occurred more regularly in the past decade than formerly , no very significant change in status seems likely .
28 There is no significant change in leukaemia rates in the two periods .
29 Many of the genes in a family might have to be converted to a new variant before any significant change in the phenotype occurs-but by that time all individuals would have a similar proportion of the new variant and so would be physically very similar .
30 It is true , however , that taken as a whole , the 1947 Act created for the first time a comprehensive framework for planning and thereby laid the groundwork for a permanent and highly significant change in the public attitude to private property and its use and development .
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