Example sentences of "attitude to life " in BNC.

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31 Jessamy had been as overwhelmed as he had been , dazzled by the physical passion , and amazed that her own easygoing , relaxed attitude to life could be turned upside down by this one man .
32 Rune was made of sterner stuff , possessing an iron will and sense of purpose and duty that in comparison left Marcus 's attitude to life looking lightweight and immature .
33 Her sturdy common sense , the downright attitude to life which never ceased to surprise him , the constant loving references to a papa and a mama who sounded remarkably practical themselves , even if they had spoiled their beautiful daughter , informed him that she came from a background very unlike any that Dr Neil had ever encountered .
34 Its satisfactions are of their own kind , though they are satisfactions intimately bound up with the life of each individual reader , and therefore not without their bearing on his attitude to life .
35 Whilst such an attitude to life is clearly desirable for hunters depending on highly unreliable food resources which would soon reduce them to chronic anxiety if they were to take a less prodigal view of things , it is evidently less suitable for seasonal hunters who must store food if they are to avoid starvation .
36 This has greatly encouraged a utilitarian attitude to life , and inflated the notion that human beings are the measure of all things .
37 More often the impact of dogmatically held relativism on other people is to cause them to waver , feel uncertain and drift into what they feel they can be sure about — mostly in Western society a materialist attitude to life , or perhaps pursuing a lifestance which thinks it has avoided value judgements .
38 At the same time a quite different attitude to life is being constantly reinforced which ignores such questions and focuses on what is useful or factual or enjoyable .
39 Fran sat back in the seat , staring unseeingly out of the window , wondering why she should feel the most ridiculous urge to cry at such evidence of Luke Calder 's attitude to life .
40 That was his attitude to life .
41 His attitude to life is brought out in both the mutual greeting of friends who agree that Life Is Very Interesting ( 1980 ) as well as the personal philosophy of the Lonely Man Who Is Very Happy And Enjoying His Art Work ( 1974 ) .
42 Oh no no , it was really a happy-go-lucky time you , you had to be alive in those days to appreciate it , it , people sort of got together and it , it 's a different attitude to life today er much more friendly people there and they , we all worked together we all pulled together to defeat Hitler this , this was the thing in those days .
43 and a he had the same unyielding attitude to life that Germans would have and a very bad temper .
44 Roddick is convinced her own schooling was also influential in forming her attitudes to life and the business world .
45 To quote that well-known politician again , I am not interested in ‘ airy-fairy ’ solutions ; but I am interested in promoting responsible attitudes to life .
46 The impact of religious belief on the attitudes to life of older people is particularly strong .
47 By this he meant that many people want to cure a particular problem , or to understand themselves more fully , yet do not want to change their way of moving and , especially , their mental attitudes to life .
48 This is not to say that only poetry with ‘ positive attitudes to life ’ is acceptable , since anyone who has thought about the representation of evil in literature , whether in satire or tragedy or in the novel , will know that an apparently negative attitude can be in fact profoundly positive .
49 In both novels the heroine undertakes a search for her identity that requires her to navigate between the attractions of two men who represent two different attitudes to life .
50 The show was very much about young people and their attitudes to life .
51 Each section contains Pip 's different attitudes to life .
52 Each of these sections end with a couple of sentences which sum up the consequences of Pip 's attitudes to life in that particular section .
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