Example sentences of "attitude [prep] life " in BNC.

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1 The two acts embody differing attitudes towards life and death .
2 Therefore , we must have a clear picture of the patients ' beliefs and attitudes towards life .
3 The additional energy they enjoyed after following the diet for a few weeks helped them to take on a much more positive attitude towards life — I could sense a really happy attitude in the remarks on the questionnaires .
4 Members of the lowest stratum in stratification systems which provide little opportunity for improvement of status tend to have a fatalistic attitude towards life .
5 She was n't usually like this , she usually had a fairly relaxed attitude towards life .
6 Do you feel that this particular incident has changed your attitude towards life ?
7 If this is the truth , mysticism is to be commended as an attitude towards life , not as a creed about the world .
8 This is an attitude of life which the twentieth-century Church urgently needs to recapture .
9 ‘ You 've got the right attitude to life , Dorothy .
10 It is a spiritual community which owes its unity to common beliefs and a common attitude to life , far more than to any uniformity of physical type .
11 Isolation and wilderness travel require a special attitude to life .
12 Frankly , I believe that It begins in an attitude to life which is almost mystical , if not religious , in its orientation and approach .
13 Their humour did not consist of mere jokes ( though they could make those too ) but in their whole attitude to life , as the violin runs through the Benedictus of the Missa Solemnis like a golden thread from which all else rises and falls ; an unforced humour which has known tragedy , and learnt to surmount it .
14 Your attitude to life should be far more positive and your self-esteem justifiably high .
15 In fact pekingeses have a much more robust and independent attitude to life than many young people .
16 In a broader sense , people with a calm , positive and compassionate attitude to life are perhaps better equipped to help solve the many ecological , social and political problems facing the world today .
17 I wonder if it is because the prevailing attitude to life in the Eighties in Britain seems to be to look after number one , to get on , to make money , and not to bother about anyone else ?
18 She recognised him as a kindred spirit , with the same happy-go-lucky , questing attitude to life which she herself possessed .
19 If you have a positive attitude to life you will get there in the end .
20 We can use affirmations to bring a positive , joyful attitude to life in general — either using them as needed during the day , or putting aside a few minutes every day to affirm our beliefs .
21 Perhaps in societies where women in the extended family or tribe naturally spend a lot of time together , there is a healthier , more relaxed attitude to life .
22 I saw you last night , though you chose not to see me , and I can not understand your casual attitude to life .
23 Marryat 's common-sense attitude to life was certainly not insensitive .
24 Writing almost a century after Kingston , he fulfilled the expectations of his readers with less melodrama in his plots and a more responsible attitude to life in his young hero , but Quinn is a very obvious descendant of Marryat 's Peter Simple and Kingston 's Jack Rogers in his lively opportunism and his youthful capacity for living in the present .
25 My attitude to life is probably the same as most people 's .
26 It was partly her age , of course , she was an old woman by anyone 's standards , but her attitude to life too and her clothes , her grey tweed skirt and green Viyella blouse and green and grey check cardigan , her stockings and ‘ court ’ shoes , the powder on her nose , lipstick on her thin old lips and the perm in her hair .
27 Amongst transient communities of working men , with no obvious home situation , irreligion and blasphemy and a casual attitude to life were usual , and in such circumstances what was termed sexual ‘ promiscuity ’ was rife , as for example amongst sailors , railway navvies , residents of common lodging houses and the like .
28 But he was also a man whose attitude to life amused , astonished and alarmed his contemporaries .
29 He said that since he was seven he had kept that childlike outlook and attitude to life and this had enabled him to paint and compose .
30 Though Sparkes was game for his first homosexual experience , his thick Yorkshire accent and humorous attitude to life left Minton undone with laughter and not very much happened .
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