Example sentences of "assume that [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 or you ca n't have a lunch break , but she did n't , she just automatically assumes that everybody knows what 's going on in her head be that everybody else should know as well , yeah anyway I 've got to go Matt 's shouting , he 's obviously having problems plumbing the dishwasher , god his little cotton socks , so we 'll see you later , alright then , see you later on ta ta .
2 The group assumes that everyone knows what the objectives are .
3 This tradition that teaching is part of being a doctor rather assumes that everyone can and should teach .
4 It assumes that everyone is selfish , not interested in the common good .
5 That of course assumes that everything spent on transport in England is a national cost and that the policing of London is a national cost , but we say that once we settle down and allocate the nature of expenditure as between the two countries , disallowing the cost of running the southern region of the railways as a United Kingdom expense , it is perfectly clear , as the Scottish newspapers have often demonstrated under the heading ’ Scotching the Myth ’ — Scottish Television has demonstrated the same in a programme of the same name — that there is no question of Scotland being subsidised in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
6 It is as though one has a newspaper delivered only for the football results on Saturdays and assumes that nothing at all happened on the other days of the week .
7 Dualism assumes that one can paraphrase the SENSE of a text , and that there is a valid separation of sense from significance .
8 The first assumes that one can distinguish between process and content in a discipline , between methods or procedures on the one hand , and content or information on the other .
9 Cambridge , which always assumes that anyone who leaves it passes into outer darkness , found the decision incomprehensible .
10 To give him his due , he made no attempt to hide this consuming interest of his : it would have seemed pointless , for he assumed that everyone else was similarly obsessed , and would see through his attempts at concealment .
11 After my warnings and reports , and then Tony 's murder , [ says Coleman ] I assumed that somebody would have the CIA on the carpet and close NARCOG down .
12 He assumed that someone was contributing ; it was ‘ in the air ’ and ‘ in the atmosphere ’ ; but he was too busy to ask questions , and , besides , you never knew what might be ‘ compartmented or committed or authorized ’ .
13 Gullible child of the age that I am , I assumed that someone , some where , had invented a machine that accepted complete walnuts at one end and dispensed perfect halves ( and shells ) at the other .
14 When we would expect a feeling to be expressed to some extent by both partners but instead one person is quite overcome with emotion while the other is apparently untouched , we may assume that one carries and expresses the feeling for both .
15 There are no natural boundaries between property price regions , so let us assume that one would use the standard regions — the south-east , the east midlands , the west midlands and so on .
16 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
17 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
18 We could assume that everyone in the population is a user or a potential user of the accounts of public sector organizations .
19 Do n't automatically assume that someone displaying one or more of them is misusing alcohol , but if the problem persists , you should certainly investigate whether alcohol is the cause .
20 We must assume that someone wants to see a recording , otherwise there was no point in recording it in the first place .
21 The only bureau to ‘ fail ’ our test was The Last Word — we can only assume that someone simply had a brainstorm and left all the important bits out .
22 Let us assume that someone , speaking of George , utters : ( 10 ) he certainly did n't make the comments audible On the assumption that the adjective is here a predicate qualifier , George is innocent of responsibility for the comments which were audible , if indeed there have been any such remarks at all .
23 This is correct , but bearing in mind the observations made above , all one can reasonably do is to assume that everything published and available is legally permissible until the law says it is not .
24 To assume that everything turns on the exchanging of benefits is to cast an unwarranted slur on many honourable , and sometimes courageous , public officials .
25 do n't obsess yourself with the idea that none of them ( Unionist MPs ) understand the view of the man in the street … there is plenty of soundness in the party inside the House … and , easy as it is to call everyone inside Parliamentarians , and to assume that everyone outside are the only judges … you will have to get inside before you realize the difficulties of the situation , or the value of the cool-headed men who still represent the Unionist party in the House , and remain independent of Cabinet influence …
26 Superficially the safe solution is to assume that nil and £1 assessments indicate journeymen and apprentices , while from about £5 most must have been master craftsmen .
27 The 1555 survey contains forty-six ( exclusive of men who were also freeholders ) , and it is reasonable to assume that something like thirty held land that was sublet in 1522 , an estimate that finds a measure of confirmation in the subsidy schedule which , perhaps in deference to the provision for the taxing of income from customary holdings , mentions the landed wealth of twenty-six men who were assessed on goods .
28 After watching the eye movements of subjects during REM sleep , and then obtaining reports from them of intense visual imagery , it seems only natural to assume that one has something to do with the other .
29 We tend to assume that everybody has a car these days and will be affected by these increases .
30 I take leave to assume that none of my readers belong to this scapegrace company , but wish to cherish their possessions .
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