Example sentences of "longer than [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Those who have cottoned on to the streak of genius in Brittain 's seemingly eccentric modus operandi have struck a rich vein of gold as the stable 's horses are often priced a good deal longer than they should be .
2 Investors may have to wait longer than they anticipate before enjoying maximum premiums .
3 In many areas , it may cause problems ; putting in vegetables like Japanese onions or ‘ Imperial Winter ’ lettuces so early means they have to survive in the ground for weeks longer than they do elsewhere .
4 So here we are seeing exactly how the objects would look if our eyes were sensitive to wavelengths about five times longer than they actually detect .
5 ‘ One should not complain that people are keeping their looks … longer than they ever have before .
6 Not even the threat of their own unemployment was enough to persuade Ossi consumers to buy ‘ home-grown ’ products for a minute longer than they had to .
7 If they were held at bay longer than they anticipated and carried into the final day , it only seemed a stay of execution for the West Indies .
8 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
9 ‘ My hope with some people is that they do n't stay any longer than they need to .
10 One is that people are living longer than they used to , and it is obviously a help if their teeth last longer too .
11 The company says the attempt at a buyout failed because the managers realised that it would take longer than they had planned to develop a new generation of the 50 Series minicomputer line .
12 ‘ Been dead for years now , has Titch , do n't live to a grand old age as a rule , his sort , everything 's compressed , you see , and he lived a lot longer than they usually do .
13 ‘ Michel wrote to me sometime ago — not from Paris– that they would be away a good deal longer than they originally planned , complications having arisen .
14 For example , people are living longer than they used to .
15 In addition there is a mass of evidence that a very high proportion of people in their sixties and seventies are physically capable of remaining longer than they do in the formal labour market .
16 Who 's going to stay in prison longer than they have to ?
17 c The past 3 years have destroyed the myth that elderly dementing people can not play a role in the running of a nursing home — we have seen even severe Alzheimer residents respond to normalization programme and reality orientation work and enjoy it and , indeed , remain at a plateau much longer than they would otherwise have done ( highly subjective comment , I know ) .
18 Well can make anything worse and will often make a lot of things carry on longer than they otherwise would normally .
19 This is as faithful a reproduction as I have seen , except that I remember the ghosts being eatable for a lot longer than they are here .
20 But the journey took longer than they planned , because they had to watch out for the evil troll who lurked under the bridge .
21 There is a perception amongst informed people in the community that there may well be a shortage of long stay beds in Leicestershire and you do need to bear in mind that the National Health Service is increasingly going down the road of not keeping people in hospitals longer than they have to because hospitals are perceived as being very , a very expensive way of providing beds and you have to take that into account because that 's a fairly clear national policy and you are likely to see an acceleration in that process from what I read in the national press .
22 People complain that these tests seem to take longer than they need to .
23 The debate in Government had taken longer than we anticipated .
24 I have little doubt , however , that we would live a great deal longer than we do , were it not the case that the same evolutionary changes that make an animal fit when it is young may condemn it to deteriorate when old .
25 We live much longer than we did .
26 We had a really marvellous holiday in October — three whole weeks , much longer than we 'd ever been able to have while Michael was working .
27 just as the ermine changes it coat for winter ; just as the seed can lie dormant for thousands of years ; just as the bacteria and the rotifers can live in their desiccated time capsules for perhaps longer than we can ever envisage , awaiting a change of outer circumstances for the tiny living specks of dust to take on another form — just so , perhaps , may the living forms we know so well have secrets tucked away within them that only the rolling of the aeons can reveal .
28 Non-monogamy may be less possible for us , and we may stay in relationships longer than we should because we are scared of not being able to find a replacement .
29 In the end the show went on far longer than we expected and was fairly raunchy .
30 Now , however , it is refusing to confirm that the trials have actually gone ahead , saying only that ‘ It 's taken longer than we anticipated ’ .
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