Example sentences of "whom we be " in BNC.

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1 I 'm advising Rosita , by the way reminding her of Malcolm Lowry , of whom we 're all fans .
2 As a result , although there is a section devoted to ‘ Images of Love ’ ( some of its most fascinating and impressive poems are by women , whom we 're used to seeing as the silent objects of love ) , it is only one among many .
3 Yet , oddly , the only authors for whom we are ready to make this provision nowadays are the Irish ones , Joyce and Yeats .
4 For all those countries with whom we are failing to compete invest more in education , in science and training than we do .
5 ‘ Those countries which have shown anger about it have not even agreed to take any of the 13,000 genuine refugees for whom we are still seeking a home . ’
6 By equating our culture with pornography it threw a cordon sanitaire around us and all our works so as to safeguard the public , of whom we are not considered part , from our corrupting influence .
7 But the style is sometimes so impressionistic that we lose track of which island we are on , and to whom we are talking .
8 It was about this time that Wordsworth met Coleridge ( 1772–1834 ) , whom we are considering in this chapter as an important English philosopher rather than as a poet .
9 Gail and I got married and we went to live in Pembury , near Tunbridge Wells , where we found an evangelical church , Pembury Free Church , for whom we are presently working .
10 We alter our language according to whom we are talking to , what we are writing about , whether it is for social , transactional or literary purposes , and so on .
11 This letter is directed chiefly at those who responded to my two previous appeals in these columns , and who are already writing to one or more of the nearly 500 prisoners on death rows in the Caribbean with whom we are now in contact .
12 As we saw earlier , the very writers whom we are discussing themselves make ritualistic claims for objectivity that function more to support their own ideology than to convince a sceptical reader of the ‘ truth ’ .
13 The use of these verbal clues varies according to the person with whom we are conversing .
14 Many of these people are already a part of the media structure , yet we piously declare our messages of communication prophecy without first knowing whom we are even speaking to .
15 Of course , few of us really set out to destroy someone of whom we are jealous ; none the less Hegel is describing an extreme form of such a feeling .
16 We also need to make assumptions about the knowledge of the people with whom we are interacting .
17 In Task 44 Extract 1 , for example , we might need to know the political opinions , or temperament , or personal involvement of the person for whom we are writing a report of the demonstration ; and in Extract 2 , a friend with whom we correspond might be nine or ninety , someone we saw last week , or someone we have not seen for decades .
18 Accordingly , the tenant whom we are here considering was entitled to the protection of section 3 .
19 The signal FX 75383 ( reproduced opposite ) sent by Gen Robertson from AFHQ on the evening of 14 May was central to the events which are the subject of this report , because it contained the two orders on which 5 Corps was to proceed in making preparations for the handovers of the two groups of surrendered personnel with whom we are concerned .
20 Your Lordship will smile I trust at the progress your loving son is making for the Company ; to whom we are beholden for our wherewithal and our signal progress in this land .
21 ‘ There are dark forces in the universe before whom we are powerless .
22 It is fairly important to know with whom we are dealing when winding up the scheme .
23 In some cases , yes ; but , in general , the people with whom we are concerned would not be deterred .
24 is the right one if one wishes to take into account the ability to pay and the income of the people whom we are taxing .
25 We should act only in a professional or agency capacity in connection with negotiations ( ie not as principal ) and the client for whom we are acting should be clearly identified .
26 We should normally act only in a professional or agency capacity in connection with negotiations ( ie not as principal ) and the client for whom we are acting should be clearly identified .
27 This specimen may be used as a guide to the type of letter to be sent to a more experienced client for whom we are acting in connection with the sale of a company .
28 This specimen may be used as a guide to the type of letter to be sent to a less experienced client for whom we are acting in connection with the sale of a company .
29 So as a small token of appreciation , I just have two books or two copies of the same book which I would like to hand to your president and to your general secretary as a token of appreciation and it 's the authorized biography of Nelson Mandela of whom we are all very proud , considering what he has suffered through and what he has done and we hope that this little token will be a kind of memento for all your support but by doing this I 'm not saying that your support is over because the struggle continues .
30 ( Part of the reason for this undoubtedly lay in the fact that the foraging hominids of whom we are speaking were in part already pre-adapted to upright posture by an evolutionary past different to that of today 's gelada baboon and because they probably already possessed cerebral development going beyond that of a mere monkey thanks to their common ancestry with today 's great apes . )
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