Example sentences of "whom we would " in BNC.

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1 AS A PIONEERING venture towards the making of a Good Agency Guide , we 've assembled a dossier across the country with whom we would not hesitate to deal .
2 And in so doing , we must , of course , be aware of the risk of setting a standard which goes so far that it would mean that others — for example , the senile or the mentally handicapped , whom we would wish to treat if they were ill — were also included by it .
3 ‘ We are ready to discuss our proposals with Mr Flashman whom we would like to see go quietly .
4 Werner 's " General " turned out to be the commander of the armed forces in southern Celebes — a figure whom we would normally have done our utmost to avoid , given his political power and our absence of filming permits , but he turned out to be an exuberantly friendly man who never asked for them .
5 A Special Report of the Girls ' Friendly Society in 1879 pointed out that middle-class women tended ‘ to over regulate those women whom we would serve ’ , because they were ignorant of working-class life .
6 People without whom we would n't be able to raise so much money .
7 He explained to us , through Wong , that the participants on the course at Peking would be teachers from various Institutes and Universities in Peking , that there were 27 of them , and that they would be divided into two groups , to whom we would each ‘ lecture ’ alternately every morning .
8 Now if we are able to work out what happens , then of course we can relay that information to the major relief agencies , whom we would hope could then step in and provide food before the famine occurs .
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