Example sentences of "whom we [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rindi was a shy and diminutive man of indeterminate age , whom we first met at the Keraing 's house and persuaded to take us along with him on a number of occasions to record his unenviable working day or , rather , night .
2 When I diffidently approached him one afternoon , he was , as usual , mooning over a photograph of the troublesome Diedre , whom we all knew from the pictures he constantly thrust under our noses to be extremely good-looking , and whom we suspected of being a bit of a girl on the quiet .
3 ‘ And now ’ , she said , ‘ I must propose a special vote of thanks to Mr Barker to whom we all owe so much . ’
4 I feel Mr Hoskins , whom we all value , is safer in London .
5 There was one recruit for whom we all felt sorry .
6 ‘ Ah , now there was a man whom we all had a really good reason to murder .
7 erm the old-fashioned Romany gipsy , about whom we all have romantic ideas that are well out of date , to tinkers whether they are Irish or Scots .
8 Alvin Toffler is an old hero of mine — a warrior in the cause of future thought — a role model to whom we mere mortal businesspeople could possibly aspire , and about whose bank balance we could certainly dream .
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