Example sentences of "ensure that a " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of a formal QC system we are forced to consider informal or intuitive approaches or factors that might ensure that a failure of the analytical system is detected and thus prevent seriously erroneous data being reported .
2 We will ensure that a fully independent HM Inspectorate of Education and Training , properly staffed and funded , reports on the entire range of public and private provision from preschool education to universities .
3 Good-quality collars can be bought at virtually every gunshop but do ensure that a top-quality swivel is located between the collar D and the line itself .
4 The Standing Orders of the House , particularly those of the House of Commons , do ensure that a substantial amount of time is made available for non-governmental business .
5 Do n't delay — complete the coupon on the left or call our credit card hotline , quoting reference GFC16 by December 7 , and we will ensure that a special gift card is dispatched before Christmas .
6 Given that there is no downside , groups should ensure that a valid group income election is in place for all members .
7 This will ensure that a relatively good recording of the child 's language will be obtained , together with a fair amount of the language of the other people .
8 The IBA must ensure that a sufficient amount of time in the programmes is given to news and news features and that all news given in the programmes … is presented with due accuracy and impartiality .
9 The relationship formed between the nurse and the patient is therefore extremely important and a few simple measures will help ensure that a patient feels relaxed enough to discuss things fully .
10 ‘ The member shall ensure that a person is not appointed as a company representative of that member except on terms which impose on him a duty to act in the performance of his functions as a company representative in such a way as to comply with the code of conduct ; …
11 This should really be conducted in a negative sense by establishing whether the approach contains any constraint boundaries which will ensure that a successful design can never be achieved .
12 Auditors must ensure that a local authority 's spending falls within its statutory powers .
13 None of these things is a wonderful new panacea , but greater awareness of SBUs and life-cycles and the sort of options available at each stage will ensure that a fuller range of options is considered .
14 This would limit the possible effects of Olugboja , since it would ensure that a defendant could not be guilty of rape where he perpetrated a fraud of any other description .
15 This should ensure that a deception as to the defendant 's present intentions or as to his state of mind is covered by the section .
16 Then you must ensure that a single block is n't orphaned and unable to be matched .
17 Together , external verifiers and systems verifiers can ensure that a flexible and centre-focused quality assurance service is available to centres while verification of national standards is maintained .
18 It is only through collective effort and strength that we can ensure that a fair deal can be achieved for Bank Officials .
19 We will ensure that a number of carefully selected children from poor homes , including perhaps even some children or grandchildren of immigrants , are allowed to succeed at school , and to go to university .
20 Will the Minister ensure that a life cycle analysis is built into the scheme to ensure that a product is judged from the time it is produced until it is recycled or destroyed ?
21 If so , will he ensure that a police officer accompanies every military patrol whenever humanly possible ?
22 As the Minister reconsiders the regular-reserve mix of the Royal Navy , as he promised on 10 December , will he ensure that a proper study of task threats is completed and will he create a supplementary list of personnel whom it is planned to axe until that review of task threats is complete ?
23 If my right hon. Friend should be considering with his right hon. Friend the Chancellor any largesse over the next two or three weeks , will he ensure that a few crumbs from the Treasury table fall in that direction ?
24 The Further and Higher Education Bill currently before Parliament will ensure that a wide range of educational provision for students with disabilities and learning difficulties is maintained and developed in the new further education sector .
25 Can you make it clear that these matters will be dealt with urgently and , in view of the credibility of all Select Committees , will you ensure that a firm conclusion is reached ?
26 The user should ensure that a module name is not contained in more than one file .
27 The tenant should ensure that a reasonable cut-off date is inserted and the tenant could try to reduce the suggested six months period to three months .
28 Iain Robertson , chief executive of Highlands and Islands Enterprise , explained : ‘ By having all types of training meeting one common standard , we can ensure that a school leaver in Caithness with a training credit , a college student in Inverness or Stornoway , and the employer of a trainee in Shetland undertaking a Scottish Vocational Qualification , all benefit from further education and training to a standard which is underpinned by a recognised set of quality measurements . ’
29 President Rafsanjani 's faction has ensured that a committee set up to vet candidates ' Islamic credentials has eliminated many hardliners , such as Ayatollah Khalkhali , who sentenced thousands to death early in the revolution .
30 Having ensured that a sterile first half ended goalless by making a tremendous reaction save to thwart Olney , Grobbelaar , who has been walking a selection tightrope all season , then allowed a far from ferocious low shot by Daley at the end of a thrilling 50-yard burst to slip under him and into the net .
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